And so, with 1 1/2 days to go the EPB decides to fail whilst filling up at Sainsburys.
Thankfully I have an amazing localish indie (IAWA 4x4 in Wellingborough) who picked up my message on Facebook and rung me to arrange getting it booked in for 10am on Monday to (hopefully) be fixed :)

And, for Mark L - my 6th wheel storage solution: (5th being slung under)

Have a Great trip chaps. :)

Wanting to see some good photos when your back.

Drive safe. :D
Hope you all enjoy it, have a great adventure and get back safely .. you've certainly put enough effort in! ;)
Thanks all, set sail tomorrow for Spain , still some packing to do, but, landy is back from the garage at least and the hand brake works again :)

Everything ok Mark?
so are you not all going together? Mark Friday? and Mike tomorrow?
so are you not all going together? Mark Friday? and Mike tomorrow?

We ALL leave UK tomorrow for Spain, meet the rest of the group in South Spain on Thursday and cross into Morocco Friday morning - so - Mark was referring to the actual Morocco part, whereas the actual adventure starts tomorrow!
Friday is when we enter Morocco.

Tomorrow is the beginning of the 25hr ferry journey.
Thursday will mostly be spent driving the 635 miles through Spain.
Friday will be spent battling Moroccan customs, vehicle insurance and changing money.

Ok, roll on Saturday. :D
Everything ok Mark?

Yeah, I reckon so now today is out the way.
Just REALLY battled for a break in this sssss****e weather to load the vehicle, as really didn't wanna pack it wet. Got there in the end though.

Also never got chance to fit the GB bumper sticker, but am sure we can rely on Spain for a bit of much needed sun to sort that task. :bounce:

Ps, can you remind Tim that I need a pair of warning triangles please. Ta. :)
Yeah, I reckon so now today is out the way.
Just REALLY battled for a break in this sssss****e weather to load the vehicle, as really didn't wanna pack it wet. Got there in the end though.

Also never got chance to fit the GB bumper sticker, but am sure we can rely on Spain for a bit of much needed sun to sort that task. :bounce:

Ps, can you remind Tim that I need a pair of warning triangles please. Ta. :)

Already did so :) He was picking you a set up last night when he went to do some photo copying at the office!

I'm still waiting for that break in the weather :mad: Being with out the disco all day yesterday screwed up my packing plans some what... but least I have a GB sticker on my landy :p
I know you chaps aint stupid but just remember that there is the tourist trap thing in spain going on at the moment.

Broken down car etc, your waved down, they steal your motor etc. :(

Have a good one. :)
Cheers Matt... we're not stopping for anyone!!!

On ferry now about to set sail... bye LZ for 3 weeks!
I could really do with going somewhere dry .. Have fun .. ;)

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