whats wrong with someone rebuilding with like for like new parts?? , maybe not the sellers intent but not illegal, and selling logbooks isnt illegal as dvla informed me a few years back ... using them on the other hand when not genuinely rebuilding is... and to say the buyer is clearly going to steal a motor??? eh??

by all means we need to watch these clear ringers on ebay where a coiler is wearing a series id as long as you are certain it was built post 1998 but reading this advert the seller seems to have covered himself as he is selling a rotten chassis and as i said a like for like rebuild is legal... if far fetched

what makes people state he has a history of selling stolen goods??

Cheers Steve
Reporting things like this is almost a waste of time.....see below for a post I made on another thread which stops this straight away (allegedly!)

Years ago I used to do quite a bit of buying and selling on EBAY (nothing to do with landrovers I hasten to add) It was in the days when you could see who was bidding (and shill bidding!!) and you could become quite adept at identifying dodgy stuff. So, this is what I did.

1) Identify something that is definately stolen (or as sure as you can be)
2) Set up a newebay account with a different e-mail address to the one you normally use.
3) get a mate to bid £10000 on the item
4) You then bid £10,100 on it ....so you are winning
This REALLY ****es the tea leaf off because they know you are winding them up and are never going to pay and b) it ****es EBAY off because they have to sort out the mess of fees etc. Then they start to get interested!!!
Made me think that this could be a solution if folks are ABSOLUTELY SURE a landrover is dodgy.
Obviously I'm lying when I say I used to do this...all bravado!!
Surley something built from nothing but a v5 has to be q plated?

he is selling a rotten chassis... not just a v5 therefore a rebuild is on the cards and actually a full rebuild from a v5 using new like for like parts isnt theoretically illegal... hence the reason so many ads state rotten chassis etc, it can be rebuilt

if the seller saw this post he could theoretically sue those that have accused him of selling stolen goods if they have no proof, you are always better to state i suspect it may be rather than it is fact :)

Cheers Steve
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he is selling a rotten chassis... not just a v5 therefore a rebuild is on the cards and actually a full rebuild from a v5 using new like for like parts isnt theoretically illegal... hence the reason so many ads state rotten chassis etc, it can be rebuilt

Cheers Steve
That is just wrong... in this case
Where does one draw the line??

1979 LAND ROVER 88" - 4 CYL BLUE/WHITE Protect | eBay

anyone fancy accusing this guy and reporting?? after all he is not even selling a chassis, just an id and a pile of parts that could easily be stolen and the stolen chassis chopped up???

or perhaps we feel he is okay as it looks like a genuine resto thats been given up on?? this ad is even more suss as there is no chassis rotten or otherwise so as i said at what point do we draw the line?? maybe we could accuse him of sex crimes and tax evasion at the same time as we have just as much proof :)

Devils advocate n all that ;)

Cheers Steve
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Everybody is against Landies getting stolen right!!

This is part of the reason some of em are being stolen,to rebuild none existant Landies from a log book, if you make a stand it might help reduce thefts.
There are a lot of toe rags out there, but unfounded accusations with no proof could land this forum and the poster in a lot of trouble...

and how many people here avoid the sodbury sortout because they are not 100% sure of the items history,,, far far less than the number that come on the forum to say 'hey i just got a bargain'

unfortunately unless we all start shopping exclusively at the dealerships landrover parts counter then we are all guilty of creating this stolen part market but im afraid I refuse to be a hypocrite and say I would gladly pay 500 for a diff when second hand its 50, if you are in a position to buy new all the time feel free to berate me..

Ive never knowingly bought or sold on anything stolen, landy or otherwise but have no way to confirm it... do any of you??... hmm were my 25 quid door tops at the old sod a legit bargain or did i buy stolen parts?? etc etc am i a criminal for not asking and getting a bargain, even on this forum you cant know that everyone is a genuine enthusiast and who knows the history of 90% of the parts in the for sale section, you just trust the seller as they are a fellow forumer??

cheers steve
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I know what you mean Steve and it all makes sense. Not at all hipocritical, those that have chosen to report this sale have done so out of civic duty and will leave the judgement, ultimately, up to Ebay.

It may well be genuine and the vendor won't mind in that case.

The legalities go no further than that.
I know what you mean Steve and it all makes sense. Not at all hipocritical, those that have chosen to report this sale have done so out of civic duty and will leave the judgement, ultimately, up to Ebay.

It may well be genuine and the vendor won't mind in that case.

The legalities go no further than that.

quite agree, by all means report as suspect but slating the seller , buyer and ebay for not acting when actually there is no proof is all that annoys me

stems from many moons ago when I owned a lightweight bodied tax exempt range rover... built in 92 and got sick to the back teeth of being told it was a ringer by people who made wrong assumptions when they saw a coiled tax exempt lightweight :) I even came across a post on a forum at the time calling me a criminal who deserved to crash and get nicked....... put them straight very quickly

Cheers Steve
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quite agree, by all means report as suspect but slating the seller , buyer and ebay for not acting when actually there is no proof is all that annoys me

stems from many moons ago when I owned a lightweight bodied tax exempt range rover... built in 92 and got sick to the back teeth of being told it was a ringer by people who made wrong assumptions when they saw a coiled tax exempt lightweight :) I even came across a post on a forum at the time calling me a criminal who deserved to crash and get nicked....... put them straight very quickly

Cheers Steve
I am sorry, but the fact that this guy has posted an ad for a vehicle ID with out a vehicle is in itself, proof of wrong doing. There is absolutely no legitimate reason to sell a vehicle ID. The Advert itself is is proof of intent to commit a criminal act of vehicle ID fraud. If the vehicle is no longer fit for road use, then it should be scrapped by an authorised vehicle dismantler, and the V5 should be returned to the DVLA, stating that the vehicle has been scrapped.
I am sorry, but the fact that this guy has posted an ad for a vehicle ID with out a vehicle is in itself, proof of wrong doing. There is absolutely no legitimate reason to sell a vehicle ID. The Advert itself is is proof of intent to commit a criminal act of vehicle ID fraud. If the vehicle is no longer fit for road use, then it should be scrapped by an authorised vehicle dismantler, and the V5 should be returned to the DVLA, stating that the vehicle has been scrapped.
hasnt been scrapped, he is selling the rotten chassis along with it technically for rebuild in the same way as the advert i also added is a guy selling a pile of non point scoring bits and an id, if somebody sticks it all on a new chassis like for like they are not breaking the law, if its stuck on a secondhand chassis then things are not right although there are lots of repaired landys using second hand bits out there, technically change to a disc braked axle, second hand gearbox and swop to a 200tdi engine and almost all of the home repaired early 90 / 110 landies are now ringers and should have been q plated.

please check the legal claims you are making as they are wrong

As DVLA told me when i reported a definate id only sale about 2 years ago....

Selling a logbook / id IS NOT ILLEGAL (DVLA's exact words) apparently there are collectors???? if the seller legally owns it he can do whatever the hell he wants to do

Using said id to ring a vehicle is the only offence being commited if that is what the buyer does and there is no proof that this is the case here it may be a legit rebuild of a classic that would otherwise be lost using NEW LIKE FOR LIKE PARTS.. again totally legal

you can buy a pile of rust and an id and rebuild into a concourse show winning classic MG using a brand new heritage shell and all new parts, likewise any classic car, you do not need to keep any original parts as long as it is as per original

cheers steve
In fact for those who feel that a car beyond being roadworthy should be reported scrapped and never ressurected please take the chance one day to visit Gaydon, Brooklands or any of the motor museums as they are regularly carrying out your version of ringing :)
Babs for one at Broklands was a pile of salted rust buried under Pendine sands for years and yet there she is now proudly on display and in use for all to see, many are road legal and in no way original other than in id alone but no-one would say they are an more than a fantastic rebuilt classic.
Please tell me what the **** is legitimate about about this. You cannot build a vehicle and then put a tax exempt ID on it. This guy is selling the ID in the full knowledge that it is likely to be used to commit vehicle ID fraud. His actions are inexcusable. As for the law I know an awful lot more than you, and although selling a vehicle ID is not an offense in itself, seliing a vehicle ID in order to change the ID on another vehicle, as this guy is clearly doing, IS illegal.
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Please tell me what the **** is legitimate about about this. You cannot build a vehicle and then put a tax exempt ID on it. This guy is selling the ID in the full knowledge that it is likely to be used to commit vehicle ID fraud. His actions are inexcusable. As for the law I know an awful lot more than you, and selling a vehicle ID in order to change the ID on another vehicle, as this guy is clearly doing, IS illegal.

one its a rangey id, many read Landrover estate he's just dense and doesnt realise... ask me how i know???... feel free to check my legal tax exempt rangey on my site...

I dont have any reason to doubt your knowledge of the law in much the same way as in black and white DVLA have stated selling an id is legal... using it illegally is an offence that is the point of my post not the legitimacy of this in any way... thats pretty easy to grasp even with my limited legal knowledge and the reason DVLA arent interested in many of these cases, they wont bother as there is no cast iron proof of his intent and he is selling the remains of the rusted chassis not just an id these sellers will always claim they sold believing it was to be rebuilt

feel free to continue with the 4 letter responses but the fact that ebay did nothing just goes to show how much good this does

there is another one for anone interested.. chassis plus id already at over £200 on ebay http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/270907876463?ssPageName=STRK:MESINDXX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1436.l2649#ht_500wt_1287

whats the bets this goes full term and sells as well :( and it could well be a stolen chassis for all we know

Cheers Steve
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