Today we is fifty eight.:vb-party2:
Beers, rugby n Rooby incoming.
More coffee first though.
Have a smashing Sunday peeps

Whenever the urge to do jobs on your birthday Don't 🤣
Suns oot coffee just aboot finished, we is going to look at cookers :rolleyes: flooring :rolleyes: fireplaces:rolleyes: paint:rolleyes:
Will go to the B&Q superstore tool section inbound 🤣🤣
Currys is next door to BnQ so that will do nicely then need to pop over to see my Dad n give him his buffday bottle of whiskey. :):)
As the mad hatter once said, start at the beginning and finish at the end.
Need to button my seats an that means taking them out
Need to put three piano hinges in bonnet, finish retrimming landy seats now the frames are painted
Got to renew all the engine rubber hoses (Two) and do an engine and auto box service
Engine and auto box service on car to do as well
Got a grill motif to fit and a new heater control cable to fit
Havin a brew first :D
Just bin oot hanging me washing up. Noticed some of me pot saucers are low on watter. Edgar had blocked the holes in his again. His was empty. All topped up and now the excess water from the sky aint run away wasted. Tis still in me saucers. Worra result. That should mean less watering to do int future.
Na. Just helped a number of peeps wiv insurance problems.
This has been my experience too.
Only ever once had to go to a court hearing.
W's car was hit by an idiot who was convinced that he was in the right. She was waiting for him go past her. She was on the give way at a T junction he was going past. Probably having had a drink or two.
He was convinced that W had driven out and just caught the back of his vehicle, in fact he had come too close to the front of her car and left tiny black marks on her nearside front, he possibly then kerbed his nearside rear wheel.
He then proceeded to try and rook her insurance company for £15k to pay for what turned out to be previous damage to a wheel, rear suspension, etc. and use of a hired Merc for a fortnight while his wheel was repaired!
Over and over again he demanded her insurance pay up, and they just kept knocking it back as the engineer's report clearly stated that the minor damage (so minor W had to show him where the "damage" was, which is so pathetic I have yet to remove the marks) could never have been caused if the accident happened the way he described it. For instance if she had driven into both his wheel and his rear valance, how come there was no damage to the rear wing? Even the garage he took the car to insisted that the suspension problem was nothing to do with an accident. Lots more I could tell you about the case which proved he was an out and out liar.

He kept on trying to claim, at one point asking for "knock for knock".
So finally he arrogantly employed a barrister and took W to court.

So W lost nothing by it, no increase in premium nothing. But even though it would appear to have been a waste of judicial time, the judge showed great objectivity and didn't set stupid costs or anything. So re this.....
" Its not that straight forward. Courts don't like their services being used to bypass using yer own insurance to settle for damages covered by indurance. They take a dim view of it. They will know she has car insurance. You risk a low value if you win and they choose to set a low figure. Or they make yer pay costs even though yer win. That's right, small claims courts can and have awarded costs in the past where their services were considered abused. The highest awarded cost for action in county court small claim was 12k5 sovs some years ago. Why go to all that hassle of court when a phone call to yer own insurance will cover it. Backlog is about 16 months in the courts."

Not one phone call, but numerous phone calls, letters and emails still didn't shut him up. We both got the impression the judge was only interested in the arguments. We got the impression that his own insurance company didn't want to pay for all the things he was claiming... hence his arrogant desire to claim. Obviously the judge knew that both parties had insurance.
This has been my experience too.
Only ever once had to go to a court hearing.
W's car was hit by an idiot who was convinced that he was in the right. She was waiting for him go past her. She was on the give way at a T junction he was going past. Probably having had a drink or two.
He was convinced that W had driven out and just caught the back of his vehicle, in fact he had come too close to the front of her car and left tiny black marks on her nearside front, he possibly then kerbed his nearside rear wheel.
He then proceeded to try and rook her insurance company for £15k to pay for what turned out to be previous damage to a wheel, rear suspension, etc. and use of a hired Merc for a fortnight while his wheel was repaired!
Over and over again he demanded her insurance pay up, and they just kept knocking it back as the engineer's report clearly stated that the minor damage (so minor W had to show him where the "damage" was, which is so pathetic I have yet to remove the marks) could never have been caused if the accident happened the way he described it. For instance if she had driven into both his wheel and his rear valance, how come there was no damage to the rear wing? Even the garage he took the car to insisted that the suspension problem was nothing to do with an accident. Lots more I could tell you about the case which proved he was an out and out liar.

He kept on trying to claim, at one point asking for "knock for knock".
So finally he arrogantly employed a barrister and took W to court.

So W lost nothing by it, no increase in premium nothing. But even though it would appear to have been a waste of judicial time, the judge showed great objectivity and didn't set stupid costs or anything. So re this.....
" Its not that straight forward. Courts don't like their services being used to bypass using yer own insurance to settle for damages covered by indurance. They take a dim view of it. They will know she has car insurance. You risk a low value if you win and they choose to set a low figure. Or they make yer pay costs even though yer win. That's right, small claims courts can and have awarded costs in the past where their services were considered abused. The highest awarded cost for action in county court small claim was 12k5 sovs some years ago. Why go to all that hassle of court when a phone call to yer own insurance will cover it. Backlog is about 16 months in the courts."

Not one phone call, but numerous phone calls, letters and emails still didn't shut him up. We both got the impression the judge was only interested in the arguments. We got the impression that his own insurance company didn't want to pay for all the things he was claiming... hence his arrogant desire to claim. Obviously the judge knew that both parties had insurance.
Its situations like that when going frew yer own insurance, they protect you. Eye know someone who was stationary in traffic. 30 seconds later a bus hit him. He weren't moving and was well within his lane. Bus was passing in the lane next to him. He even had the event recorded on camera. So did the bus company. Bus company pushed it to court. His insurance looked after him.
This has been my experience too.
Only ever once had to go to a court hearing.
W's car was hit by an idiot who was convinced that he was in the right. She was waiting for him go past her. She was on the give way at a T junction he was going past. Probably having had a drink or two.
He was convinced that W had driven out and just caught the back of his vehicle, in fact he had come too close to the front of her car and left tiny black marks on her nearside front, he possibly then kerbed his nearside rear wheel.
He then proceeded to try and rook her insurance company for £15k to pay for what turned out to be previous damage to a wheel, rear suspension, etc. and use of a hired Merc for a fortnight while his wheel was repaired!
Over and over again he demanded her insurance pay up, and they just kept knocking it back as the engineer's report clearly stated that the minor damage (so minor W had to show him where the "damage" was, which is so pathetic I have yet to remove the marks) could never have been caused if the accident happened the way he described it. For instance if she had driven into both his wheel and his rear valance, how come there was no damage to the rear wing? Even the garage he took the car to insisted that the suspension problem was nothing to do with an accident. Lots more I could tell you about the case which proved he was an out and out liar.

He kept on trying to claim, at one point asking for "knock for knock".
So finally he arrogantly employed a barrister and took W to court.

So W lost nothing by it, no increase in premium nothing. But even though it would appear to have been a waste of judicial time, the judge showed great objectivity and didn't set stupid costs or anything. So re this.....
" Its not that straight forward. Courts don't like their services being used to bypass using yer own insurance to settle for damages covered by indurance. They take a dim view of it. They will know she has car insurance. You risk a low value if you win and they choose to set a low figure. Or they make yer pay costs even though yer win. That's right, small claims courts can and have awarded costs in the past where their services were considered abused. The highest awarded cost for action in county court small claim was 12k5 sovs some years ago. Why go to all that hassle of court when a phone call to yer own insurance will cover it. Backlog is about 16 months in the courts."

Not one phone call, but numerous phone calls, letters and emails still didn't shut him up. We both got the impression the judge was only interested in the arguments. We got the impression that his own insurance company didn't want to pay for all the things he was claiming... hence his arrogant desire to claim. Obviously the judge knew that both parties had insurance.
Finking sbout this some more... tis a wonder why his insurance din't realise the damage to vehicles din't match. Eye assume yours told his. Reports normally include pic's these days. He were definitely trying to scam his insurance. Strange they pushed it as far as court. One would fink they have internal checks on cases prior to them going to court, for plausibility of winning. Losing a 15k claim in court would have cost his insurance. All added to his claim value on his record.
Finking sbout this some more... tis a wonder why his insurance din't realise the damage to vehicles din't match. Eye assume yours told his. Reports normally include pic's these days. He were definitely trying to scam his insurance. Strange they pushed it as far as court. One would fink they have internal checks on cases prior to them going to court, for plausibility of winning. Losing a 15k claim in court would have cost his insurance. All added to his claim value on his record.
Some people are just vindictive and can not see past there own nose 😈
Finking sbout this some more... tis a wonder why his insurance din't realise the damage to vehicles din't match. Eye assume yours told his. Reports normally include pic's these days. He were definitely trying to scam his insurance. Strange they pushed it as far as court. One would fink they have internal checks on cases prior to them going to court, for plausibility of winning. Losing a 15k claim in court would have cost his insurance. All added to his claim value on his record.
He took it on off his own bat. He wasn't trying to scam his insurance he was trying to scam W's.
His insurance were not going to help him as they knew that it was his fault, as you say, having seen the engineer's report(s), etc etc. They never paid him a penny.
He just thought "I am out of pocket to the tune of £15k, I KNOW I'm right, I'm going to prove it in court."
The court was technically chambers, but there were two barristers and a stenographer. Never seen that before in any Small Claims court I have been involved with and I have been to quite a few.
We had made no claim, the damage was so superficial it was untrue.

He tried to claim he needed the car for work but couldn't prove why, he drove a van to work every day!

He also gave the information that he was driving from a certain establishment, which was stoopid as it was in the opposite direction. We suspected he had in fact been drinking in one of various establishments that were in the direction from which he came.

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