Go on yer bike instead of walking.
You don't leave it on. I dilute it 50/50.
Your little bike will be made out of pressed tin, so it'll be safe.

My little bike is made to last 300,000 miles and decades. 🖕

Cleaned up nice.



Lovin it, blacked the exhaust and stand etc to tidy it for now, i can see me stripping the one day and building it up like new 🤣
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Finking sbout this some more... tis a wonder why his insurance din't realise the damage to vehicles din't match. Eye assume yours told his. Reports normally include pic's these days. He were definitely trying to scam his insurance. Strange they pushed it as far as court. One would fink they have internal checks on cases prior to them going to court, for plausibility of winning. Losing a 15k claim in court would have cost his insurance. All added to his claim value on his record.
I don't think he had fully comp. So they were totally not in the picture.
His insurance DID NOT push it to court.
They were not involved at all, he did it ALL off his own bat. They basically accepted that it was his fault and were just happy that W did not claim on it as the damage was so piffling it wasn't worth it. That was the end of their involvement.
If his insurance was fully comp then he'd have got what he needed and that would have been that. Although I doubt they would have stood for the rental of the Merc.
You have to understand that this went on for years, him continuously trying to claim off W's insurance and getting knocked back. He must have been a real tightwad when it came to insuring the Merc. He was just waiting for an opportunity to come along.
The accident happened, he got aggressive with W and thought he had frightened a dumb old lady into admitting fault so he could get all the stuff that needed doing to his car done on her insurance. There was a photo of damage to the rear corner of his car which showed red paint. The barrister's pic was in black and white. But I showed ours to him and explained that I had been through the entire paint job his car had from the factory. At no point was there any red paint involved. so he had damaged his car on something with red paint. Not W's car. This was just one part of what he thought he was going to be able to claim.

I think we all just hope that this taught him a lesson. But some people are just SO arrogant.
...was so pleased to see the Cocker Spaniel win the gun dog group in Crufts.
Don't know if she'll win Best in Show, frankly doubt it. Haven't watched it yet, got it on "record".
But as owners and breeders of the breed for a long time , we are SO chuffed.:):):):):)

Twasn't to be but don't mind as they still have won more Best in Shows than any other breed and they ARE the loveliest dogs in the world?!!!:):):)
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