It is raining here, so I got wet running to the Disco to get my waterproof out of it!
Still last night's spread went down really well. We always enjoy it when the French find out we can cook as well as they can if not better. Plate after plate of complex nibbles. And managed to cater for those who are allergic to dairy, allergic to fish and who won't eat meat. Providing alternatives or modifying ingredients in each case.;)
We love a challenge.🤣🤣🤣
Enjoy your days folks.

Day 1. My fellow crew members marooned me here, after a bout serious bowel movement nearly causing a mutiny.
Day 2. I struggle to survive from the ordeal of abandonment. With my solar powered laptop and the inability to draw cartoons, how long can I last.
Day 3. I note I'm on a regular shipping lane, yet how much I signal for help with my yellow flags, not one come to my rescue.
Day 4. My bowel movement has settled, but not without consequences. Sharks and dolphins circle my island dying adding to my woeful need for food. Surely the passing vessels can see my plight, as I frantically wave my yellow flags.
Day 5. Desperate I stabbed a sad looking shark with my discarded non functioning paint brush. Madden with the urge for food, I put my dentures to work gorging at the rancid flesh. Again those vessels are avoiding my plight, as I yell spitting shark blood.
Day 6. Boils and sores litter my frame under daily sunbaked angry rampant glare. My coconut tree shade all but gone from constant use as toilet paper. Yet those damned vessels cannot see my plight.
Day 7. The stench wafting to and fro of dead fish now pervades the air, as I cocoon in my dolphin skin suit.
I rush back and forth and jumping to keep active as I now accept my fate.
Day 8. My voice is high pitched squeaks and clicks from my diet and painful piles. I can't believe what I'm seeing a tourist vessel coming to my marooned island, as I make haste jumping around in my suit with glee. I trip and flounder grappling to enter my joy on my laptop diaries.
Day 9. Rescue of sorts. Grasping tightly to my laptop in a pool of a rescue ship. I awaken cool being bathed by my shipmates I had not been abandoned but suffering from eating a poisoned fish supper.
I leave these diaries of my venture to warn many here on the forum.
Captain Fosttock.
S S Landy.
...that I am both purple-exed and miffed.
I know I am getting old and forgetful, it happens to all of us in certain areas of our lives.
I dug out 2 previously made and critical bike components several weeks ago with a view to altering them slightly and adapting them for a future project.
Can I now find them at all? NO I ruddy can't! :mad: :mad: :mad:
I have searched every bin, box, shelf etc. etc. The bastid things have vanished I tell you.
I have now found the little varmints, and yes, I am a doofus. 🤣
I was looking for 2 "yellow painted" assemblies from trike's past and these are in fact black.
The reason I had it in my head they were yellow is because there is a 3rd of the basic components (in another form) that is in fact painted yellow. So by rooting through things looking for "yellow" items I missed the very things I was seeking.
Pleased to have found them as I was certain I had NOT thrown them away. :D
The rules on labelling of wines in France have changed since last year.
"Tous les vins devront renseigner la liste des ingrédients et les valeurs nutritionnelles sur leur étiquette pour être vendus au sein de l’Union Européenne (même si vous vendez uniquement en France).
  • Les informations sur la valeur énergétique et tout allergène potentiel devront être indiquées en clair sur l’étiquette.
  • Les informations sur les ingrédients et les valeurs nutritionnelles peuvent être accessibles par un QR Code apposé sur le packaging de la bouteille."
So, unless it says it clearly on the label it is illegal. Nothing weird there, we have been able to find the alcohol content on every label, in fact I think that has been the case for a long time.
The law says it CAN be accessed via a QR code. But doesn't mention at all the barcode.

I dug a bit deeper into it and it is more complex than it seems.
I had to find out a bit about it when I got ISBN codes for my books, but, as with if i bring out a 2nd edition of the same book, it would need a new code.
So if a wine wins a prize and the seller wants this in the code, he has to pay for yet another one. and a surprising number do win prizes at shows of all levels. (I don't even bother to record this info on the spread sheets that make up the cellar books.)

(Small prize for the first person to note yet again the use of an English word, at least in the right context, they do of course have their own word "conditionment" but the fact is that this word has too many other meanings.)

Hey Ho! 🤣 🤣 🤣
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It is raining here, so I got wet running to the Disco to get my waterproof out of it!
Still last night's spread went down really well. We always enjoy it when the French find out we can cook as well as they can if not better. Plate after plate of complex nibbles. And managed to cater for those who are allergic to dairy, allergic to fish and who won't eat meat. Providing alternatives or modifying ingredients in each case.;)
We love a challenge.🤣🤣🤣
Enjoy your days folks.

So really not much choice from the food chain left.....straw or grass. 🤣🤣

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