First world problem I know but nonetheless amusing/upsetting, especially if you are a wine drinker, bearing in mind that more booze drunk in the UK is wine now where it used to be beer.

I was looking all this up to find out how much duty we are going to have to pay on the wine we import, that is if they stop us. We have been lucky so far.

So, found out that as of next year they are going to charge duty accoring to the alcoholic strength of the wine in each bottle, and the categories are by 1/2 % difference, (See graph in the link).

Also upsetting to discover that if you buy it in a Brit supermarket, in an £8 bottle of wine, the wine only costs 90p to make and 80p to sling in the bottle and label it!

Anyway amusing reading, except if like us you may have to pay the duty (and VAT twice), on each bot.

Urgh who's decides these are such

Children born out of wedlocks
Urgh who's decides these are such

Children born out of wedlocks
I suppose the only good thing to be said about it is that this is a tax imposed on those who can appreciate the better things in life.

But I pity the poor customs peeps trying to apply it from next year on.
This is a typical "fiche technique" i.e. technical description of one wine which we bought some of, just one from a whole range the place does and even that doesn't mention the alcohol content.
Unless you can prove otherwise they would have to open each box and look at the label as by law the % does have to be marked on it.
But it can vary quite a bit from wine to wine even in the same colour or from the same place.
Think I've just winded the boy in Tesco fuel kiosk

He said you look tired and I said I've just done a brake disk and pad change, he said I thought you said break dancing.

The comment where he lost it was if I breakdanced it would look like a fridge falling down a flight of stairs 🤣
Don't be upset these things happen

Yeah, trouble is it buggers up his tablet timings ...

He has to have his Levothyroxine tabs at least 30 mins before food or caffeine drinks, well he has decaff tea, but the carers don't always get time to wait for the time before giving him his breakfast, he sometimes remembers to take them himself when he wakes, but usually not ... so it can be a bugger ... never mind it's not often it happens ...
Wish our weather would get its act together. Too much meehhh.

When I was young I loved to watch the storms running up and down the river ...

Until I was sitting on the loo one night and we had a very close strike, (a couple of houses away), and a large blue orb appeared about two feet away from where I was, then just disappeared ...

Still like watching storms but am a bit more wary if crackling noises ...

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