That is enlightening.
I just had a wee scope on Triglycerides and found this.

It points out that for an accraute TG test you need to fast, so I am wondering if you did that.
It also lists alternatives to statins, I am wondering if he offered you niacin which would seem to be agood and maybe more "natural" one.

Apart from daring to eat red meat and doing v little excercise I am sure that drinking at least half a bot of wine a day is part of the problem. Although when I did dry January a year or two back I lost absolutely no weight at all and felt no better for it either.
But thanks for this post. I'll bookmark it so I can reread the figures in the future.;):)
I began to suspect that statins were not my friends when I observed that with them my blood lipids were not optimal because the statin was only affecting the good cholesterol. I stopped taking statins in 2019 and that year's test showed my blood lipids were perfect (clues were there). On an intermediate year they failed to do a full panel scan just a total cholesterol count (which is about as useful as a chocolate fireguard). :) This latest scan is void because the Triglyceride level means they cannot asses HDL/LDL levels. Biggest source of TG for me will be the conversion of alcohol calories to fats for storage. Too much Alcohol=too much TG. Nuff-said. So I know what I have to do. Less of the slurp-slurp.
I began to suspect that statins were not my friends when I observed that with them my blood lipids were not optimal because the statin was only affecting the good cholesterol. I stopped taking statins in 2019 and that year's test showed my blood lipids were perfect (clues were there). On an intermediate year they failed to do a full panel scan just a total cholesterol count (which is about as useful as a chocolate fireguard). :) This latest scan is void because the Triglyceride level means they cannot asses HDL/LDL levels. Biggest source of TG for me will be the conversion of alcohol calories to fats for storage. Too much Alcohol=too much TG. Nuff-said. So I know what I have to do. Less of the slurp-slurp.
View attachment 316775
Again, very informative.
Ta, mate!
W staying in bed as she is suffering after having eaten a full meal yessdi. Only ever does this when we go out and eat and even then.:(
As the weather is great I am off out to prepare the chicken run i.e. get rid of the huge weeds as best I can with no strimmer/brushcutter, and mend the ramp in the hen-house. Yet again.:rolleyes:

Have a good one folks!:):):)

I think the hens might quite like the weeds if you just leave them. They eat the leaves and seeds, and they like hiding in vegetation too. Ours used to do this. They can reduce waist high grass and weeds to mud in a season - and manure it as well.
They do mussels "marinieres" which is the normal way, (white wine and lickle onion s etc I fink), "curry" which would be a joke and the one wot I had, strong blue cheese made form ewe's milk and brewed in caves.

Do you eat shellfish?
I'm not much of a fan but have a bit every now and then.

I do have mussels now n then, my fav is langoustines in a nice lemon n pepper or mary rose sauce.
That's great!
And at 50 :1 there is no way I'd be reducing the oil in the mix.
The 4 stroke takes a feed from the top of the cylinder head, or somewhere, so oil gets into that fuel too. :stars::stars::stars:.
I disconnected the pipe from the air inlet but it made no difference.

I think the age of your machines may be a factor, my oldest, the wheeled jobby, is the oldest, apart from the 4 stroke strimmer/brushcutter and seems to be the strongest. An Olio-mac Italian number.

So BIG question. How do YOU store them??????

(And in a little aside there was a Merkin on tother thread who reckoned it was easier to store engines up norff in Merka than darn saff?!)

I Chuck em in the shed with all the other mountain of stuff. 🤣🤣
I think the hens might quite like the weeds if you just leave them. They eat the leaves and seeds, and they like hiding in vegetation too. Ours used to do this. They can reduce waist high grass and weeds to mud in a season - and manure it as well.
Funnily this seems to depend on the hens and where they come from, in the past this is exactly what our hens used to do and they would devour kitchen scraps as well.
But last year's lot couldn't be bothered, all they wanted to do was eat the food we gave them, but they did love escaping, wondering around grubbing up "stuff" we think they liked to eat insects etc.
But the main reason for taking down the big weeds is because it was in the hen run last year that W got her foot caught in one that was lying on the ground but still attached to its root. It was her paralysed foot and she fell over breaking her ankle in the process. So I am taking the weeds down so she isn't scared of going in there again.

We do use the hen's bedding straw as compost in the poly tunnel and elsewhere!
I do have mussels now n then, my fav is langoustines in a nice lemon n pepper or mary rose sauce.
Oooh! "langoustines"!
French for "Norway lobster" or some places think it might be crayfish.???
I dunno, never had one!
tHE MEECES ARE THE lABOUR PARTY who are pleased that their numbers have increased by another one from the opposition BUT they are very suspicious of who has come and why she has come 'cos she sure isn't a typical labour believer. That's my understanding.
That makes perfect sense. Thanks!
And I too am wondering why she did it as apparently she isn't standing at the next election!
If the meeces had said "she" I might have got it! (Might!)
I'd agree with that, especially if the fool tank is metal. But not much diff between emptying the tank and brimming it, except it is easier to do on a piece of hand held equipment.

All the tanks on my hand-held equipment are plastic anyway.

some are now saying that if you empty a tank the few droplets that inevitably stay in it will then dry and leave behind the vasrnish deposits which cause the problems. I cannot see that cos the fuel filters are very fine indeed.

But there are two issues here, the water/ethanol content of fuel and the effects of it drying out inside a carb, which aren't the same thing. and think a lot of people are confusing the two.
Might be why peeps use an ultrasonic cleaner fing on carbs. Gets to the bits yer toof brush can't reach.

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