Funnily this seems to depend on the hens and where they come from, in the past this is exactly what our hens used to do and they would devour kitchen scraps as well.
But last year's lot couldn't be bothered, all they wanted to do was eat the food we gave them, but they did love escaping, wondering around grubbing up "stuff" we think they liked to eat insects etc.
But the main reason for taking down the big weeds is because it was in the hen run last year that W got her foot caught in one that was lying on the ground but still attached to its root. It was her paralysed foot and she fell over breaking her ankle in the process. So I am taking the weeds down so she isn't scared of going in there again.

We do use the hen's bedding straw as compost in the poly tunnel and elsewhere!

Yes, Xylia likes nice flat engineered surfaces to walk about on. It's one of the reasons I got a mower, to cut the tops off the tussocks and ensure that the bramble tripwires do not get too firmly established across the paths. Whilst I stride about my property without too much difficulty, a lot of people find it rather strenuous. That's why I'm making it more accessible so that friends, partners et al. can enjoy it too.
No rosemary in it I think, yer dive down & get a few langoustines n pick up Mary Rose sauce from Davy Jones when your there. 🤣🤣

Hurry up & dont be Monkeying about....
MARIE rose sauce!!
...worked my nuts off in the heat today.
On top of everything else looked up to see a white van parked in our entrance. Thought it was EDF.
Or better still Orange to come and help by chopping down the branches that rub our phone wires all along the road.

But no, twas Sivat, the water company. They wanted to change the batt in our water meter so they could carry on reading it by stopping outside our place and clicking on a pad thing.

I got them in and showed them where the meter was, or rather didn't as it is hidden under a particularly thorny lot of stuff planted to deter burgulars!!!

It was obvious that it wasn't going to be a quick job so we agreed they'd come back at the end of next week.
So W, who is not on great form, and I set to. She was supposed to be "supervising" while I did the work but she cannot just do that. We cut away tons of the spiky stuff as well as brambles and stinging nettles, until finally it appeared.

We had to get on and do it as we have a busy week next week and the weather is set to turn soon. Such a pain.

Still the hen house is ready for the new lot, their run is now usable and all the netting is vertical and sorted out. I have pulled up loads of weeds by hand as my strimmer brushcutters......... well you all know!
...worked my nuts off in the heat today.
On top of everything else looked up to see a white van parked in our entrance. Thought it was EDF.
Or better still Orange to come and help by chopping down the branches that rub our phone wires all along the road.

But no, twas Sivat, the water company. They wanted to change the batt in our water meter so they could carry on reading it by stopping outside our place and clicking on a pad thing.

I got them in and showed them where the meter was, or rather didn't as it is hidden under a particularly thorny lot of stuff planted to deter burgulars!!!

It was obvious that it wasn't going to be a quick job so we agreed they'd come back at the end of next week.
So W, who is not on great form, and I set to. She was supposed to be "supervising" while I did the work but she cannot just do that. We cut away tons of the spiky stuff as well as brambles and stinging nettles, until finally it appeared.

We had to get on and do it as we have a busy week next week and the weather is set to turn soon. Such a pain.

Still the hen house is ready for the new lot, their run is now usable and all the netting is vertical and sorted out. I have pulled up loads of weeds by hand as my strimmer brushcutters......... well you all know!

There was me thinking TISWAS was only on Saturdays 🤣🤣🤣

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