There's always other countries. Banhladesh is nice this time of year.

Our tax funds fings like the nhs and roads. We could take the merkin route and pay double for health insurance. Or stick with what we have, which they have tried to copy.
Have to admit that countries like Frogland may have better health and education systems but they pay for it. They even have to pay a bit of NI when retired!! would still prefer to have lived and worked there though, in some ways. not all to do with tax and benefits though!
Have to admit that countries like Frogland may have better health and education systems but they pay for it. They even have to pay a bit of NI when retired!! would still prefer to have lived and worked there though, in some ways. not all to do with tax and benefits though!

The weather for a start, I loved working in the sun. Anyhoo the suns oot im away oot to set up my slate guillotine. :cool:
W has just caught sight of our poop neighbours having a loud pointy word with the decent neighbours on the end, about us, lots of pointing in the direction of our house.

Can't wait until they have a go at the new neighbours, whose car we saw today, who have not yet got a "sold" sign up but the "sale agreed sign" is still there. We think they might be in there planning the new kitchen.
Would quite like to tell them the incident number and the policeman's collar number to use if they start on them when we are away!
...... Why? Because he felt "entitled" to benefits having had them for so long. Upshot, all benefits withdrawn. 👍
He still doesn't work, just sponges off his 94 YO Mother.
Institutionalised into the benefits system as a way of life, now no-one will ever employ a bloke that doesn't even know how to work any more. Sadly he's 66 this year and will pick up a bare minimum pension for having worked for 5 years his whole life.
I wonder who he will rely on when the old dear passes on?
Except for my Brother In law who lived on Benefits from the age of 21/22 until they finally nailed him for "not being disabled enough" in a review at around 60. Arrogant son-of-a-gun went to the assessment in his free "Mobility" car and they video-d him walking with just a stick from the distant end of the car park to the assessment centre front door.

Why? Because he felt "entitled" to benefits having had them for so long. Upshot, all benefits withdrawn. 👍
He still doesn't work, just sponges off his 94 YO Mother.
Institutionalised into the benefits system as a way of life, now no-one will ever employ a bloke that doesn't even know how to work any more. Sadly he's 66 this year and will pick up a bare minimum pension for having worked for 5 years his whole life.
Thats one person who cheated the system. Its harder to cheat it now.
I know peeps who are very capable of working but choose not to, then theres the others that work 16 hours a week :rolleyes:
& get full benefits. Playing the system. I see people in the shop who I know dont work but can afford to smoke & buy
scratch cards and drink expensive energy drinks. Now tell me no-one sees this.

How much is pac of fags this week. ??
Playing the system but what life do they have. The media suggests you get pay oots of thousands per week including a car. But reality is different. 16 hours is around the stop/start for differennt claims. A married couple can both earn 40k sovs and still claim. Discounts for child care. Eye can't claim anyfink for edgar to get him into nursery.
Except for my Brother In law who lived on Benefits from the age of 21/22 until they finally nailed him for "not being disabled enough" in a review at around 60. Arrogant son-of-a-gun went to the assessment in his free "Mobility" car and they video-d him walking with just a stick from the distant end of the car park to the assessment centre front door.

Why? Because he felt "entitled" to benefits having had them for so long. Upshot, all benefits withdrawn. 👍
He still doesn't work, just sponges off his 94 YO Mother.
Institutionalised into the benefits system as a way of life, now no-one will ever employ a bloke that doesn't even know how to work any more. Sadly he's 66 this year and will pick up a bare minimum pension for having worked for 5 years his whole life.
There are cases like this and us teachers knew whole families, generations of them, who knew every single thing they were entitled to but never did a hand's turn.
But we also knew loads more families whose lives were sheer hell down to disasters in their lives and found making ends meet very difficult. One that sticks in my mind was a woman with two kids whose husband had died, burned to death in a car accident.
Peeps like your bro in law do exist and they should be shot, but by far the majority aren't like that in our experience.
I'm thinking here of a lad whose parents were both disabled and lived in acouncil flat. I helped him get into a really good uni where he did well studying both English and Australian law. He wasn't aiming to live of benefits and his parents were decent honest folk.
Thats one person who cheated the system. Its harder to cheat it now.
I know plenty here who have never worked. I’ve got neighbours, a brother and sister in a four bedroom council house. In their sixties now, she’s never worked and he had to stop work 20 years ago cos he ‘hurt his neck’
They have horses and since his ‘injury’ I’ve watched him filling eight 20 litre containers with water several times a week and carrying them round from the back of the house to the car to take to the horses field. Every now and then she appears out with a white stick and dark glasses for her ‘blindness assessment’ then she goes back about her day as usual.
It gives me a warm glow inside knowing I help to pay for their lifestyle 😡

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