You thinking of going on holiday think I'll stay in the uk this year.

Yer ok so who pays for all the bone idle gits who dont want to work, taking hand outs & getting there rent/council tax paid
you only qualify for 90 % of grants/funding for things like home heating,insulation ect if you get benefits.
Oh an I dont mean the people who are ill & cant work or need round the clock care. Then if thats not enough we all the kind
people give to the food banks. I know peeps sell the food they get & buy drugs. I couldnt afford to be a drug addict could you.
Id bet most on here will know of people who can work but choose not to. Anyhow now thats pizzed me off im off to work.
I dont want to talk about this move on nothing to see here. lol
Very few peeps are oot of wurk on benefits. It ain't the easy life the papers portray. Gov's like to talk about clamping down during electioneering but the truth is most benefit claimers are in wurk.
Have you  seen the state of either? Gubmint always say they are putting more money than ever into this or that, so where does it all go?
When they say they is putting more money in it ain't like a pay rise where the rise stays for subsiquent years. Its a one oft additional payment.

My roads are ok. Eye reports all me pot holes and the clowncil fills em. Recently doing some strips of patch repairs on me wurk route. Got the big machines in over night to do the wuk.
Very few peeps are oot of wurk on benefits. It ain't the easy life the papers portray. Gov's like to talk about clamping down during electioneering but the truth is most benefit claimers are in wurk.
Except for my Brother In law who lived on Benefits from the age of 21/22 until they finally nailed him for "not being disabled enough" in a review at around 60. Arrogant son-of-a-gun went to the assessment in his free "Mobility" car and they video-d him walking with just a stick from the distant end of the car park to the assessment centre front door.

Why? Because he felt "entitled" to benefits having had them for so long. Upshot, all benefits withdrawn. 👍
He still doesn't work, just sponges off his 94 YO Mother.
Institutionalised into the benefits system as a way of life, now no-one will ever employ a bloke that doesn't even know how to work any more. Sadly he's 66 this year and will pick up a bare minimum pension for having worked for 5 years his whole life.
Been copper coating a boat this morning what a right pain, its to get 4 or 5 coats & its too cold to do it but its getting launched
on monday. Why 4 or 5 well thats what the instructions tell you. ?? Trouble is that its epoxy so needs time to cure 3 coats done.
Very few peeps are oot of wurk on benefits. It ain't the easy life the papers portray. Gov's like to talk about clamping down during electioneering but the truth is most benefit claimers are in wurk.

I know peeps who are very capable of working but choose not to, then theres the others that work 16 hours a week :rolleyes:
& get full benefits. Playing the system. I see people in the shop who I know dont work but can afford to smoke & buy
scratch cards and drink expensive energy drinks. Now tell me no-one sees this.

How much is pac of fags this week. ??

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