Chips, tinned ham and sprouts for tea. Broke the fing yer put the key in to open the ham. Got me pliers to pull it when it were too short. Snapped the rest oft. Had to hit the pull oot strip to open the tin. Then dig me pliers in to pull said strip. Then gorrit open.
Chips, tinned ham and sprouts for tea. Broke the fing yer put the key in to open the ham. Got me pliers to pull it when it were too short. Snapped the rest oft. Had to hit the pull oot strip to open the tin. Then dig me pliers in to pull said strip. Then gorrit open.
I think someone is mixing this up with "The good ship Venus"
When i was in high school, our technical drawing teacher, Mr (Steve) Williams decided as we'd been working hard that the following week we could bring a record or two in and we'd be allowed to play them on the bloody huge radiogram he'd got next to his desk.
One bright spark decided he'd be naughty by bringing in that single thinking Steve would be shocked!
Imagine our surprise when he sang along with it!
He was a cool teacher!
Ah yes. We call those universal keys at work. You borrow someone else's when you've forgotten the key to the padlock of your toolbox! That's a problem i've never had because my padlock keys are on the same keyring as the car keys which means if i've forgotten them i haven't been able to drive to work. Of course it also probably means i'm locked out of the house...

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