Morning all.
Up to get W brekky in bed as she has been in absolute agony with her knee.
We think she may have jolted her back or her hip as the pain seems to move around and sometimes goes down the leg towards the ankle and sometimes upwards.
I am thinking it is a mixture of knee problem and simple referred pain from elsewhere or maybe a meniscus tear. But that latter on its own wouldn't explain the pain moving up and down the leg.
Mobile welder has been texted.
Still don't understand how the inside rear of a wheel arch on a vehicle with a chassis can be "integral body structure", if you can unbolt it and take it off. It's integral to the body yes, but not to the whole structure of the car and its safety critical elements.
I can see me getting itdone by this blokey, quickly to get an MOT without having a retest but then later on doing it, or getting it done again, properly, cos I bet this guy will just sling a patch on it. :( I may ring another guy I know who would do it properly to see if he has some time, cos he gets very busy. He ain't mobile though and I don't know if W would be up to driving there and then back from there on the return visit. I am heart sickor problems piling up.

Weather here high pressure gloom, but at least it isn't raining.

Have a good day folks!:):):)
i saw the dental hygienist today, i'd rather have a filling to be honest :eek:
A friend of ours (been a dentist for 40 years) remarked that there is no evidence to show that having a hygienist attack your teeth and gums has any beneficial effect; but it does provide a revenue stream for the dental practice who cream off a high percentage of the hygienists fees. :(
Afternoon you lot, went shopping last night then built one of these dog fings got another one to put together tonight..........
Evening all.
Busy day.
took Disco in for MOT.
My usual tester had to go to hospital for a check up on his heart so the other blokey had to do my MOT.:eek::eek::eek:

It failed.

Not on what I thought it might, but on two patches of rust in the rears of the front wheelarches. :stars::stars::stars:
"Integral body structure corroded to the extent that the rigidity of the assembly is significantly reduced...."
Plus a list of advisories as long as your arm but which boiled down to "your rear tyres are a bit naff, there's rust on your springs and your brake pipes, it leaks oil and you have taken your passenger seat out" and the weird one "slight play in bot track rod end ball joints" which I thought I had replaced fairly recently.

so mobile welder will be called upon.

Went to chat with the mate with the D3/4, which he wants to sell. It's done 150k but has the straight 6, 3 litre engine not the one that busts cranks, Beautiful condition, leater interior, etc, but we will be working on stopping it belching oil smoke out, which he thinks is seals on the turbo. He hasn't come up with a price so I am prevented from being tempted!

Took W to the hospicle again, X-ray of knee which has got much worse since the fall last week as she sort-of fell again yesdi, between two cars, she caught herself by grabbing hold of the wing mirrors on hers and the next vehicle. But she has done it no good. Nothing broken but she is in massive pain so I am back on wheelchair and other domestic duties. Nurse put her on light duties and "If it doesn't improve in a week, " blah blah. She'll be seeing the doc on Thurs. Hate seeing her in pain. Much worse than the broken ankle. Damage to ligaments or possibly worse still cartilage.

Haven't really had time to work on the "not printing text" situation much, but since I have just put W to bed I tried again and still no dice. So made it print the word document in Red then blue. That worked!! Then had the idea of simply getting it to photocopy in black. Blank sheet came out.
So it is deffo a printer problem, with black ink. The ink level indicator tells me it has black ink in it but I am going to try another refill to see.
So put one in, tried to print a black text Word document, and NOW it WORKS.:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

Which just proves that you should never trust a computer when it tells you there is ink available.
All this blasted fuss for something so simple. :mad::mad::mad::mad:

Still at least it is one problem solved. But furious at all the time I wasted yessdi cos I believed it when it told me there was ink there. Not even a warning like "You need to change the ink tank, mate!" It SO nearly got taken out the back and attacked wiv a lump hammer.

Anyway I cooked us a Ragu Bolognese tonight, all from fresh ingredients except for the "passata" which came from a bot/jar. Deelish!!
Enjoy what is left of the evening folks!
You are having a sh-- time I feel for you but thing's can only get better stay positive and look at the good things in your life 👌👌👌👌
You are having a sh-- time I feel for you but thing's can only get better stay positive and look at the good things in your life 👌👌👌👌
Ta mate!
Each problem will be resolved eventually. just such a pain when a loved one is in pain and you can't do a lot about it.
Plus she gets flipping frustrated and I have to calm her, soothe her and do whatever it is that "needs" doing.
Which reminds me, I have forgotten to spin the washing! Help!
A friend of ours (been a dentist for 40 years) remarked that there is no evidence to show that having a hygienist attack your teeth and gums has any beneficial effect; but it does provide a revenue stream for the dental practice who cream off a high percentage of the hygienists fees. :(
My dentist insisted on giving me a "jetwash", as she calls it, herself. More expensive but more thorough than a hygenist.
W has a visit to the hygenist quite often but she is one of the unfortunates that builds up plaque very quickly.
I remember when as part of a dental check up they did a "scale and polish" as part of the routine. So all within the same cost.
Such a shame what has happened to NHS dentistry. But we are not complaining cos at least we are both still NHS patients.
You just cannot find NHS dentists with free places round here at all.

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