It's only bumpy cos of cyclists... more an annoyance than anything serious.

We have a road near us with a purpose built & laned cycle lane/track/road/path but they still want to hold up traffic
& play on the road tis like a game of..........
When we started this place we lived in a caravan the first winter was the worst for 50yrs the temperature dropped to -- 20deg everything was frozen solid including us we were very close to giving in but could not get down due to snow but now it's great log fire under floor heating and a walk in the snow to follow wildlife tracks and back for a hot toddy with the internet now so good life couldn't be better even though you can get cabin fever we a ok with it now it soon passes and hay I get free Christmas trees
Our first time in our newly built place we also had no heating at all, in the snow. Stoopid builder had sent us the "consuel" (an important bit of paper) and without that EDF would not connect us up, i.e. turn it on! So our electric underfloor heating, and everything else electric stayed unconnected as the piece of paper was in the UK. If they'd hung onto it we'd have been connected.
Bought a generator on the Friday, couldn't get it running at all. Continued to freeze until took it back to the shop on the Monday and they discovered the manual was wrong and the fuel tap "off" position was in fact "on". So at least for the last few days we had a little heat and light. But we weren't suffering in -20 degs!
So, simple question, is your underfloor heating electric or water pipes?
@Stanleysteamer .
So the deltoid is a group of individual strands if you will.
I've peeped of one bundle by going too hard at it, at each end wear it joins the bones. So is a tendon injury i think an they take time.
You poor sod. You've obviously had some investigation and advice.
So sorry mate as tendons do take a shed load longer to mend than muscles.
The temptation to go for it as long as it isn't hurting, then to push on through when it does start to twinge a bit.....
I think a lot of us have been there.
All the very best mate.;)

Shame it has to have the two spares hanging off its backside like a toddler's full nappy. I am sure other ones were made without them! But still a great target to aim at.
Do I have enough lifetime left?!
Our first time in our newly built place we also had no heating at all, in the snow. Stoopid builder had sent us the "consuel" (an important bit of paper) and without that EDF would not connect us up, i.e. turn it on! So our electric underfloor heating, and everything else electric stayed unconnected as the piece of paper was in the UK. If they'd hung onto it we'd have been connected.
Bought a generator on the Friday, couldn't get it running at all. Continued to freeze until took it back to the shop on the Monday and they discovered the manual was wrong and the fuel tap "off" position was in fact "on". So at least for the last few days we had a little heat and light. But we weren't suffering in -20 degs!
So, simple question, is your underfloor heating electric or water pipes?
Hot water U/F pipes with 100mm insulation under them electric would be a no no for us as being all solar the drain would be to large

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