Appi Fridi Zedders
Playing with the LEDs on a lady's leccy fire this morning. Am hoping it's the LED driver (coz i bought one) and it'll be a cheap fix, gunna get dearer otherwise for her.
Weekend starts at noon! Huzzahhh!
I messed up and ordered the wrong voltage driver, found out a bit late. The LEDs worked first off, then flashed when I tried again after reassembling the fire and now don't work at all. Would a 12v supply damage a 24V LED?
Took me tratter in to the main dealer today for its recall to stop the front wheels escaping. Its real posh in the showroom, new model 130 defender for 100k sovs, rangy sports and such like. Took me keys, asked if I would like a coffee n biccies, would I like them to clean me tratter while I'm there. Accepted the coffee but declined the car wash, but I think they mucked out the inside anyway. And a bit of real class - a bowl of water for your oinker if you take it in -------

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Can eye take me squirrel and hedgehog?
..that it has got even worse. :(
Panic call from him this lunchtime. He has found a spy-cam in his office and video files from it of him working on the hard drive of the other PC in the house. He feels violated and very angry. So all his remaining stuff has been brought here and he will work from here from now on. It's a real mess. We had both his kids after school till their mum finished work. Is this our new life M..F.? I sincerely hope not. She has come home and complained that he had not been there to let her dogs in/out and there's dog-poo/pee everywhere. His response was... "Not my dogs, not my problem". Ha! Ha!
Is she trying to capture passwords or him watching video's on the internet. Change all his passwords.
Because it was drawing too much current and the regulator folded back?
Imagine I don't have a clue what you just said, coz I don't. Izzit in the driver?
Have just googled it.. So the regulator saw excess current draw and folds back to protect the LED. Is that like a thermal switch and takes a while to reset or something cleverer?
How does yer know they is 24vdc?
Is it marked onnit. Is there 2x 12vdc wired in series, which would be powered by 24vdc.
Some LED strips are multi colour. Different ways to do this. Varying the volts across them eye fink is the normal way.
The original driver was 24v, zero volts on the output side so deaded. I just picked the wrong one on Amazon, schoolboy error. IIRC, there are two LED which makes you right.
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