Thanks for the chance to ride along here at LZ for the past decade or so (even though it's on the wrong side of the road).

I found out a lot of things here. About Land Rovers, about how pants are actually underwear, and life and attitudes around the world.

The support and encouragement during my cancer treatment will always be remembered. To those who wished me dead, who knows. You may still get your wish any day. After all it's cancer.

I’ve laughed so hard at posts here that my stomach hurt over the years. Lately things haven't been so funny. Things have changed I guess.

WeIl, I just came to my exit. I'm going to get out here. Good luck and God speed, everybody. It's a crazy world.

God save the King.
Eye is honoured yer chose me fred for yer last message. They have Freelander's on the other side so yer should be ok. Farewell my friend.
...that the fitting of dimmer switches was indeed a "dim" idea. :(
There was not an adjustment position on the trimming pot-to-brightness pot combo that was satisfactory.
I just could not get rid of the "flickering". So the old On/Off switch-plate was restored. :)
I did get the "I don't know why you bothered" lecture from SWMBO but it is her that insists on having only one set of the lights on at night so we sit in partial darkness when watching TV and then she complains she cannot see the controls. Go figure. :D
Gorra save lectric to annoy pootin. ;)
Warra day followed by warra nite. Drove to werk and the weather was reasonable. Then sent to a lat/long in the Boonies, on the way I end up first on scene at a two car smash on the A15 bout 10 mins from Brian. Had to reassure a young chap for a while whilst paramedics arrived. Then down to Holbeach where torrential rain and flooding nearly stopped my progress, then a lightning storm…

Rain stopped, moon came out temperature dropped, sandwiches eaten, then ‘ome for tea and medals by 0030. Elastic roller skate out of juice and now on charge again ready fer another go. Ney wonder I’m knackered.
.... just had a contact from Octopus energy (or someone pretending to be them).
Air Source heat pump installation and a new hot water tank heat exchanger to replace my gas boiler. <£4K with Govt. grant and they do everything. 400% efficiency apparently, and the pump has a 5 year guarantee and the whole project has a 2 year warranty(?).
So whereas my nasty old Gas boiler cost me <2K 30 years ago and still runs just as well as it ever did, and I have NOT had to replace it every 5 years (see warranty above) that would be 6 x £4k costs (base) + inflation over the next 30 years.
Does this seem like a really good investment? I really am not convinced.
Yer can get 15 years oot of a modern combi boiler. Me friend at wuk had to swop oot his donky years old boiler ferra new one to stop his mrs nagging their gas bill was far higher than others they know. His gas bill dropped by 2/3. He's now miffed at not doing it years ago. 2k6 sovs ferra boiler fitted. He drilled the exhaust ole imself.
Been pondering this for a while now - peeps in guv keep telling us we need more offshore wind farms to be energy secure and cut down on carbon. In a conflict they could be wiped out in an instant with a missile or two, leaving us with no energy at all. Pootin would have the last laugh.
Peeps in guv make money from off shore wind farms.. is why they want more
Been pondering this for a while now - peeps in guv keep telling us we need more offshore wind farms to be energy secure and cut down on carbon. In a conflict they could be wiped out in an instant with a missile or two, leaving us with no energy at all. Pootin would have the last laugh.
If he started to do that there would retribution. Also wind fields are spread over a large area. Each one would need exploded seperatley. Wind is a great asset when yer an island. We have some of the biggererist oft shore wind farms int world.
Peeps in guv make money from off shore wind farms.. is why they want more
My first job on leaving skool was on a nuclear power station construction site. Guvmint promises of cheap leccy for all. It wasn't. None of those first generation power stations were remotely efficient, only used the waste heat for generating the leccy. Many years later I was watching a telly prog, where a politician from back then, long retired, was explaining that we and the politicians were all conned, including himself. The only purpose for building nuclear power stations was to produce weapons grade fissile material for the bombs.
If he started to do that there would retribution. Also wind fields are spread over a large area. Each one would need exploded seperatley. Wind is a great asset when yer an island. We have some of the biggererist oft shore wind farms int world.
That’s why they built the Viking Link. When we get wind the excess goes to the Nordics, when they get excess that comes to us. Good concept really - I standby to told otherwise.
I don't understand how a heat pump can get the rooms up to 22c and hot water exchanger would be I presume, pipes on the roof. OK in summer but not on a foggy November morning.
Tis all magic to me :D
They work by soaking up heat from ootside and compressing a liquid which is used to transfer and release the heat. Bit like yer fridge. Yer can use rads or have air pumped in the house, to get heat. Considered 300% efficient as yer only powering the pump to convert pressure as oppised to burning somefink which will always be less than 100% efficient.

There are downsides. Old homes dunt have enuff insulation like new ones so they lose more heat. So yer haft to put in a biggerer heat pump. Sometimes more rads anorl. Heat pumps dunt have a lot of power so yer tend to leave the heating on to reduce temp rise and dalls that carch it oot. Yer cam more easily service HP systems compared to gas. Few peeps gave their own gas meter to detect poor gas burn.
If he started to do that there would retribution. Also wind fields are spread over a large area. Each one would need exploded seperatley. Wind is a great asset when yer an island. We have some of the biggererist oft shore wind farms int world.
Correction, WE don't. Most of it is owned by foreign companies and investment vehicles. Which is why we are being striped up on the cost of this "free" energy. See:
They work by soaking up heat from ootside and compressing a liquid which is used to transfer and release the heat. Bit like yer fridge. Yer can use rads or have air pumped in the house, to get heat. Considered 300% efficient as yer only powering the pump to convert pressure as oppised to burning somefink which will always be less than 100% efficient.

There are downsides. Old homes dunt have enuff insulation like new ones so they lose more heat. So yer haft to put in a biggerer heat pump. Sometimes more rads anorl. Heat pumps dunt have a lot of power so yer tend to leave the heating on to reduce temp rise and dalls that carch it oot. Yer cam more easily service HP systems compared to gas. Few peeps gave their own gas meter to detect poor gas burn.
So I can come home from a weekend away and switch the heating on and be toasty even when it's minus 5 outside ?
Went to wix last nite. When yer run yer paw over the ply wood its gottid ripples innit. Mdf is smooth. Gorra sheet of 18mm ply oft and stood up. Bent like a narna. Not easy to straighten oot. Did same wiv 12 and 18mm mdf. 18 much straighter than 12. Fink yer can gettid the last bit of bend oot by securing it to a frame. Will go back when eye is ready to get one but it will be from a new pallet as the ones on top should be straighterer.

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