And now we are all wondering if @DanClarke wears full leathers and a full face helmet when out on his trike.

in fact it is interesting what peeps do wear on trikes, admittedly this discussion seems to deal with motorised ones, i.e. ICE motorised ones.

Errr.... this is my "trike".... Note the lack of huge engine, crash protection and general "go-faster" elements.

I've been associated with Wales on and off for many years, first in the1980s when I lived in north Wales for a while, and then these last 20 years or so when I've been a frequent visitor to mid Wales. Throughout that time, I've lost count of the number of motorcycle accidents I've seen or read about. There are a lot of winding roads within easy motorcycling reach of many of the major conurbations - Liverpool, Manchester, Birmingham, Coventry, Bristol and so on - and it's a popular ride-out destination. You don't need to pick up very many issues of any local paper to read about fatalities. Very often people in their thirties or forties with young children, from suburban addresses in Walsall or Newcastle Under Lyme.

A few years ago I found myself travelling through Llandovery one December. I was with my friend Hogan who needs to stop at cafes every 15 miles or so. So we went in a café in Llandovery, and as we had our cup of coffee and snack we wondered aloud why most of the tables were cordoned off with 'reserved' notices on them. We didn't have to wait long, for soon we heard the thunder of mighty V twin engines and a load of bikers appeared. They were having their bike club Christmas dinner in the café. When the helmets came off it turned out they were quite elderly bikers in most cases - there was a lot of grey hair in evidence, or else close cropped to disguise incipient baldness. Some of the women were fighting middle age and winning on points with coiffure in vibrant orange or jet black, but everybody was getting on a bit. What was interesting was what they were talking about. Almost all the table talk was about friends who'd died in motorbike accidents since the previous Christmas dinner. It sounded like there had been quite a lot of them.
Can we differentiate between "bikers" on ultra-fast motorised machines, and us poor "bikers" on Bicycles/Tricycles please?
Asking for a friend. ;)
The A40 where I have experience of is also used a lot by what I would call cyclists ie. pedal powered vehicles. Throughout the year there are many club timed-rides although they are almost exclusively held at weekends and Bank Holidays but the riders are respected as 'other road users' and we all proceed harmoniously together. I am not aware of any accidents involving cyclists on 'my' stretch of the road.
I've been associated with Wales on and off for many years, first in the1980s when I lived in north Wales for a while, and then these last 20 years or so when I've been a frequent visitor to mid Wales. Throughout that time, I've lost count of the number of motorcycle accidents I've seen or read about. There are a lot of winding roads within easy motorcycling reach of many of the major conurbations - Liverpool, Manchester, Birmingham, Coventry, Bristol and so on - and it's a popular ride-out destination. You don't need to pick up very many issues of any local paper to read about fatalities. Very often people in their thirties or forties with young children, from suburban addresses in Walsall or Newcastle Under Lyme.

A few years ago I found myself travelling through Llandovery one December. I was with my friend Hogan who needs to stop at cafes every 15 miles or so. So we went in a café in Llandovery, and as we had our cup of coffee and snack we wondered aloud why most of the tables were cordoned off with 'reserved' notices on them. We didn't have to wait long, for soon we heard the thunder of mighty V twin engines and a load of bikers appeared. They were having their bike club Christmas dinner in the café. When the helmets came off it turned out they were quite elderly bikers in most cases - there was a lot of grey hair in evidence, or else close cropped to disguise incipient baldness. Some of the women were fighting middle age and winning on points with coiffure in vibrant orange or jet black, but everybody was getting on a bit. What was interesting was what they were talking about. Almost all the table talk was about friends who'd died in motorbike accidents since the previous Christmas dinner. It sounded like there had been quite a lot of them.
There's a different case i think. Oldies / born agains..
To cadge a phrase, there's old bikers an bold bikers. Int many old bold bikers.

I has been lucky an walked away from all but one of my prangs.
All but one were down to exuberance, innexperience, impatience etc..
I'll take those. Nobody else got hurt neever.

The one that put me in ospicle was down a male chicken objectin to bein overtaken who swerved in front of me.
There's a different case i think. Oldies / born agains..
To cadge a phrase, there's old bikers an bold bikers. Int many old bold bikers.

I has been lucky an walked away from all but one of my prangs.
All but one were down to exuberance, innexperience, impatience etc..
I'll take those. Nobody else got hurt neever.

The one that put me in ospicle was down a male chicken objectin to bein overtaken who swerved in front of me.
Great final line :D:D:D
Yeah but now your talking about idiots, and yes there are many of the same driving cars.

The original discussion was you implied Dan should wear a Hi-vis as if it was his fault. The Vulnerability only exists cos of other idiots.

Eye wondered if he had a high vis as they can help yer to be seen. He said he had two flags but they ain't always noticeable when the trike is moving if the air flow points them at the drive behind. Eye sometimes see someone wiv an orange flag on a stick. Fink he's local. Flag is just above head height. Yer dun't notice it untill yer overtaking him. At least wiv a trike theres a chair that could be brightly coloured or have hazard yella and black stripes, like a bumble bee.

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