Guid morn
Sunny day forecast so just waiting for second washing to complete it's cycle get it hung oot. And then it's Aprilia time (noting an Aprilia was 1st and 2nd in yesterday's MotoGP) will go for a blast up to Tyndrum and the Green Welly, or perhaps visit a friend in Killin for free coffee !
Definately motorbike weather
Getting mine out later to make the most while it lasts
Dunt like it too hot though, jeans and leather jacket for me and open face helmet so I can chew on the flies :D:D
My mate had a couple of Gordinis very cool cars.
Thing is they made Gordini versions of all sorts of models. The R8 ones are extremely sought after but they even made Gordinin R12s The R17 ones were beaut. I had an R17 one of the most fun cars I've ever owned, sadly not a Gordini version.
So originally they also made one of the R5 too.
Recently revived for Twingo and Clio.

Thing is, all they really did was hot-up standard versions, similar to what you are legally allowed to do to a car in the UK. But in France you can't hot a car up, or even blow gently on it. They do have a thing called "tuning" but just like "le smoking" it is misuse of English.

As this article explains, most peeps over 'ere simply do the equivalent of putting go faster stripes on it. "personalisation" if you will. It is stressed that you can tune one to make it go faster but then you risk losing your insurance.

Note the use of the English word "flashy" for dodgy paintwork! 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
Thing is they made Gordini versions of all sorts of models. The R8 ones are extremely sought after but they even made Gordinin R12s The R17 ones were beaut. I had an R17 one of the most fun cars I've ever owned, sadly not a Gordini version.
So originally they also made one of the R5 too.
Recently revived for Twingo and Clio.

Thing is, all they really did was hot-up standard versions, similar to what you are legally allowed to do to a car in the UK. But in France you can't hot a car up, or even blow gently on it. They do have a thing called "tuning" but just like "le smoking" it is misuse of English.

As this article explains, most peeps over 'ere simply do the equivalent of putting go faster stripes on it. "personalisation" if you will. It is stressed that you can tune one to make it go faster but then you risk losing your insurance.

Note the use of the English word "flashy" for dodgy paintwork! 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

Just declare the mods & pay the premium my landy is 124 quid with all the mods 🤣
I can blame venerable cyclists as SOME of them take risks which put themself directly in danger. Its all over youtube. I can do the same for bikers as SOME of them create unbeleavable risks for themselves. Many times i've seen both jump red lights. I've had bikes drive between me and another car by the side of me, while both doing 60mph on an A road. We've had a biker doing double the speed limit on our road today. He often does several laps like this on sundays. He won't be doing it next week. Youtube is full of stunts carried out by bicycles and bikers. Sneeking up the inside of trucks turning left is well recorded on youtube. I used to work with a biker who blamed everyone else on the road for his mistakes. The number of times he would limp in was worrying. On one occasion telling us how he laid his bike on its side to control a crash. He jumped a red light and swerved to miss a van pulling oot on green. Would never admit it was his fault as the van was said to have pulled out too early. Van was on green. When his bike was nicked everyone was pleased as it probably saved his life.

Yeah but now your talking about idiots, and yes there are many of the same driving cars.

The original discussion was you implied Dan should wear a Hi-vis as if it was his fault. The Vulnerability only exists cos of other idiots.

The Vulnerability only exists cos of other idiots.

That is a sweeping and inaccurate statement which I really will have to disagree with.

With my long and extensive experience of driving on the A40 through south Wales ( I live here) I can honestly say that many of the accidents involving bikers - usually having a day out with the mates and all trying to keep together as they go - are brought about by the bikers themselves. It is NOT a dual carriageway but is used by cars, lorries, cyclists, bikers AND agricultural vehicles, all going about their own business and this frequently means long slow traffic queues which, for safety reasons, have to be tolerated and adjusted to. Out-for-the-day bikers do seem to find these very obstructive to the speedy travel they would like to experience and many are huge chancers trying to leap-frog their way to the front of the queue in order to experience the thrill of speed they seem to crave.

Please note that I have nothing against bikers or anyone else enjoying their chosen method of travel but I do find it very upsetting when 'human remains' are seen far too frequently scattered about the road having experienced a head-on with traffic coming the other way. I always spare a very sympathetic thought for the families who are about to receive the knock on the door to say that family life has now changed forever.
Guid morn
Sunny day forecast so just waiting for second washing to complete it's cycle get it hung oot. And then it's Aprilia time (noting an Aprilia was 1st and 2nd in yesterday's MotoGP) will go for a blast up to Tyndrum and the Green Welly, or perhaps visit a friend in Killin for free coffee !

And after all that everybody is OK :).

I figure everybody that wanted to watch it has already see it.

If you haven't yet and are going to watch tonight don't open the link.

I suppose I could wind someone up and say look all turned out ok cos there wasnt a car involved or any hi-vis but I wont:p

That is a sweeping and inaccurate statement which I really will have to disagree with.

With my long and extensive experience of driving on the A40 through south Wales ( I live here) I can honestly say that many of the accidents involving bikers - usually having a day out with the mates and all trying to keep together as they go - are brought about by the bikers themselves. It is NOT a dual carriageway but is used by cars, lorries, cyclists, bikers AND agricultural vehicles, all going about their own business and this frequently means long slow traffic queues which, for safety reasons, have to be tolerated and adjusted to. Out-for-the-day bikers do seem to find these very obstructive to the speedy travel they would like to experience and many are huge chancers trying to leap-frog their way to the front of the queue in order to experience the thrill of speed they seem to crave.

Please note that I have nothing against bikers or anyone else enjoying their chosen method of travel but I do find it very upsetting when 'human remains' are seen far too frequently scattered about the road having experienced a head-on with traffic coming the other way. I always spare a very sympathetic thought for the families who are about to receive the knock on the door to say that family life has now changed forever.

But here's the thing. the original discussion did not involve an idiot on a trike did it?

I have also admitted there are idiots in possession of all modes of transport.

The Vulnerability only exists cos of other idiots.

That is a sweeping and inaccurate statement which I really will have to disagree with.

Ok lets try this, Idiots make themselves and others vulnerable regards of what transport they are using ;) .

I would just prefer people be more aware of what's around them when in control of a weapon;)

Be it Bike/car/scooter or feet.
But here's the thing. the original discussion did not involve an idiot on a trike did it?

I have also admitted there are idiots in possession of all modes of transport.

I was not trying in any way to answer the original discussion, I was merely disputing your statement -

" The Vulnerability only exists cos of other idiots."

And I remain in total disagreement with that for the reasons I have given.

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