And now we are all wondering if @DanClarke wears full leathers and a full face helmet when out on his trike.

in fact it is interesting what peeps do wear on trikes, admittedly this discussion seems to deal with motorised ones, i.e. ICE motorised ones.

3 wheeled vehicles dont need protective gear. be it pedal powered or ICE. did you ever see Del boy and Rodney put theirs on when they got in their passion wagon.


Well, there has been partial clearance of the outlet pipe from the septic tank.
TBH the whole flipping thing is a nightmare when it goes wrong although normally it functions like a dream.

I've checked the filter and there is absolutely nothing in it, so it must either be a fat berg or summat coming up from the other end, like a tree root or a dead rat. I totally do not fancy digging a pit about 2 metres deep just to "get to the bottom of it".
Now the "water" is flowing again I will wait for a propicious moment and somehow get a load of that "unblock your drain" stuff into it to see if I can get more of it to go away.

Big problem is we have to have a septic tank as the sewage treatment peeps round here can't handle raw sewage yet we are still connected to what they laughably call the mains drains. If we had a normal outfall all would be clearer. It travels 250 metres from the septic tank to the "mains drains", across two other people's land.

We made the wrong decision when we were given the choice "tout à l'égout" or "Epandage". :(:(:(
And after all that everybody is OK :).

I figure everybody that wanted to watch it has already see it.

If you haven't yet and are going to watch tonight don't open the link.

I suppose I could wind someone up and say look all turned out ok cos there wasnt a car involved or any hi-vis but I wont:p

Yes looked really nasty, but seems Bagnaia did not suffer any fractured surprisingly
And now we are all wondering if @DanClarke wears full leathers and a full face helmet when out on his trike.

in fact it is interesting what peeps do wear on trikes, admittedly this discussion seems to deal with motorised ones, i.e. ICE motorised ones.

I always wear full face. Saw a man that went over and landed on his front. Chin doesn't exist anymore. He told me gal you need to wear full or don't ride.
That is a sweeping and inaccurate statement which I really will have to disagree with.

With my long and extensive experience of driving on the A40 through south Wales ( I live here) I can honestly say that many of the accidents involving bikers - usually having a day out with the mates and all trying to keep together as they go - are brought about by the bikers themselves. It is NOT a dual carriageway but is used by cars, lorries, cyclists, bikers AND agricultural vehicles, all going about their own business and this frequently means long slow traffic queues which, for safety reasons, have to be tolerated and adjusted to. Out-for-the-day bikers do seem to find these very obstructive to the speedy travel they would like to experience and many are huge chancers trying to leap-frog their way to the front of the queue in order to experience the thrill of speed they seem to crave.

Please note that I have nothing against bikers or anyone else enjoying their chosen method of travel but I do find it very upsetting when 'human remains' are seen far too frequently scattered about the road having experienced a head-on with traffic coming the other way. I always spare a very sympathetic thought for the families who are about to receive the knock on the door to say that family life has now changed forever.
Didn't think you were, see some on roads where I think you give us a bad name.
Thought I'd add my bit to the biker v motorist handbags n popcorn. I have been a bikist on and off for 53 years, as well as a carist. Passed my car test before bike test. Did some very daft things as a biker and a car driver in my youth. But as a sensible middle aged git and at that time spending many years motoring between Kent and Lunnun, up and down the A2/M2 and through the smoke on a daily basis. And much of it on a bike. I know how invisible bikers are coming from behind and filtering, as a car driver I was vigilant to this but still they would come out of blind spots and surprise me. When I was filtering on a bike I would do it defensively, knowing and expecting I would not be seen. Often got other bikers up behind me, tooting to "get on with it". Always I would pull in and let them pass - their choice. Saw lots of accidents including bikers lying at the side of the road with a sheet over them and a mangled bike nearby. One one occasion - on the homeward run in my car, an absolute nutter went tearing past me on a bike, 3 lanes heavy with traffic, he riding between lanes of traffic. Then the traffic slowed up, until we got past that biker, bike stuck under a transit van with rider nowhere to be seen. Another occasion sticks in my mind, and years later I still can't work out the mentality of the truck driver; The long approach road to the Blackwall tunnel is always stop start traffic for several miles and two lanes of traffic. Static in my car in lane 2, I spotted a biker filtering between the two rows of vehicles. Inexplicably, a truck driver opened his door just as the biker reached him. The rider splattered into the door, the riderless bike carried on and slammed into the back of the car behind me.
Another incident which still makes me chuckle nearly 25 years later. Was working on a refurbishment job, which in part involved removing all the tarmac and replacing it on the Staples Corner flyover, a very busy junction on the north circular road. One lane was left open for traffic while the old surfacing was removed. One morning the bare concrete had just been primed ready for waterproofing, prior to laying new tarmac. The primer has less skid resistance than a banana skin, as the rider of a heavyweight BMW bike found out when he cut through the cones for a short cut. He couldn't get enough foot grip to stand up, let alone pick his bike up. I could only walk by, laughing.
That is a sweeping and inaccurate statement which I really will have to disagree with.

With my long and extensive experience of driving on the A40 through south Wales ( I live here) I can honestly say that many of the accidents involving bikers - usually having a day out with the mates and all trying to keep together as they go - are brought about by the bikers themselves. It is NOT a dual carriageway but is used by cars, lorries, cyclists, bikers AND agricultural vehicles, all going about their own business and this frequently means long slow traffic queues which, for safety reasons, have to be tolerated and adjusted to. Out-for-the-day bikers do seem to find these very obstructive to the speedy travel they would like to experience and many are huge chancers trying to leap-frog their way to the front of the queue in order to experience the thrill of speed they seem to crave.

Please note that I have nothing against bikers or anyone else enjoying their chosen method of travel but I do find it very upsetting when 'human remains' are seen far too frequently scattered about the road having experienced a head-on with traffic coming the other way. I always spare a very sympathetic thought for the families who are about to receive the knock on the door to say that family life has now changed forever.
Can we differentiate between "bikers" on ultra-fast motorised machines, and us poor "bikers" on Bicycles/Tricycles please?
Asking for a friend. ;)

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