Good morning folks
Do you pay a subscription for that or is it a contract? ?
There's an upfront purchase price (I think mine was in the region of £450) and then a monthly fee. They haven't taken a monthly fee off me yet, because it's only just arrived. Apparently you can pause the monthly fee if you're not using it for a while, a bit like putting your car on SORN. The process of buying it was so easy and crap-free that I don't know whether it is closest to a subscription or contract model. I'm not a big mobile phone person myself, but I keep my partner Xylia in mobile phones and enabling her to enjoy the latest iPhone is always a morass of bureaucratic junk, credit checks and the like, whereas with Starlink all you need is an address and a debit/credit card number and you've got one.

Another fun thing is the way it's a motorised dish, so you can see it moving around all by itself hunting for the best signal. I had wondered how it would perform here in the city with buildings all around, but it found a signal with no problems.
We haven't grown egg plants this year but the cucumbers have more than made up for them nice grilled for some thing different now have lots of pickled gherkins for winter 🍆🍆
My pickled gherkins are a bit hit and miss. Do you have a sure-fire way of doing them? We didn't even bother to plant any this year.
And do yours have to be eaten quite soon after you put them into jars or, if not, how long can you keep them?
We love good ones and a neighbour loves our excess crop which he makes into salad. He was bit miffed we didn't plant any this year.
One of my neighbours is moving out, going back to Yorkshire. Why you would leave is beyond me, I would love to live there 👍
We have very seriously thought about moving there too. My brother did move back there back in his 20s.
But we wouldn't do what he did and move back to Hull. More likely Richmond or Harrogate. We'd like the Dales but a lot of it isn't practical for peeps with health issues, or so W tells me!
One part of our local taxes has gone up 7.1% ouch! Up to just under €2k, tother €1200 odd due later in the year. Costing us more to live here than in our place in the UK which isn't cheap either.
Now off to the physio for W then to the chemist to get his help with recovering monies from the govt as they seem to fail to be able to pay a nearly €200 bill for drugs as they cannot understand the prescription had to be filled in two goes. :rolleyes:
One of my neighbours is moving out, going back to Yorkshire. Why you would leave is beyond me, I would love to live there 👍
When I suggest leaving Benfleet and off out to Cambs or Suffolk to her good self it is met with a very negative critique.
1. Not even thinkable till her Mum passes.
2. She doesn't want to move away from her grandkids.
3. Nice quiet country places have poor healthcare access and little local shopping.
4. She doesn't want to be stuck in an alien place when I pop my clogs.

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