I got sent to asda with a list but I lost the list on the way so I floated about the store looking a stuff oh that looks nice & that
n that bla bla filled the trolly feeling quite please with myself I did think the trolly looked quite full but not 230 quids worth 🤣
I got loads of stuff I liked & some veggy meals which apparently were boggin :rolleyes: bloody ungrateful or wot. 🤣
I got sent to asda with a list but I lost the list on the way so I floated about the store looking a stuff oh that looks nice & that
n that bla bla filled the trolly feeling quite please with myself I did think the trolly looked quite full but not 230 quids worth 🤣
I got loads of stuff I liked & some veggy meals which apparently were boggin :rolleyes: bloody ungrateful or wot. 🤣
Thought that counts
I was under the car doing wheel alignment bits, when a very attractive young woman lent right over and asked me if I wanted a hand..... Why couldn't things like this happen when I was single?
You could have said "Yes please" and played along for while until your missus put your bits in a Molegrip and said, "there, is that tight enough now!"🤣🤣🤣🤣
Why would one read the labels....rice kruspies chuck bread chuck cheese chuck sassages chuck milk err place veg chuck ect ect
up n doon the isles I go like supermarket sweep 🤣 🤣 Did I tell yous that im barred from shopping 🤣🤣
oops never meant to click on "reply".
But when I shop on my own without W, as she is indisposed, boy does it go quick AND I not only get everything I also get stuff she forgot or might like.
My Brownie points are all over the ceiling!!!🤣🤣🤣

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