I got sent to asda with a list but I lost the list on the way so I floated about the store looking a stuff oh that looks nice & that
n that bla bla filled the trolly feeling quite please with myself I did think the trolly looked quite full but not 230 quids worth 🤣
I got loads of stuff I liked & some veggy meals which apparently were boggin :rolleyes: bloody ungrateful or wot. 🤣
Oh dear oh dear oh dear!!!
dint your mobile work in the supermarket???

You remind me of a bloke I once worked with. He got married and told his mrs he'd help with the housework.
He got the hoover out and started, banging it into all the furniture etc.
His wife shouted at him "Never ever touch that Hoover again!" (Angry face)
So he never did.

Job done!!!;););)
Night All. :)
Bloke across the road has an 8 Yd skip on his drive. Has put F-A in it because he leaves all the stuff out around the skip and people take the stuff away.
Next door neighbour said to me, "oh yes if you put stuff out is all goes. I put a broomstick out and it was taken."
When I asked if it was the one she had first learned to fly on she gave me a funny look and my wife told me off. :(
Night All. :)
Bloke across the road has an 8 Yd skip on his drive. Has put F-A in it because he leaves all the stuff out around the skip and people take the stuff away.
Next door neighbour said to me, "oh yes if you put stuff out is all goes. I put a broomstick out and it was taken."
When I asked if it was the one she had first learned to fly on she gave me a funny look and my wife told me off. :(
Post of the week award!!! 🤣 🤣 🤣
Night All. :)
Bloke across the road has an 8 Yd skip on his drive. Has put F-A in it because he leaves all the stuff out around the skip and people take the stuff away.
Next door neighbour said to me, "oh yes if you put stuff out is all goes. I put a broomstick out and it was taken."
When I asked if it was the one she had first learned to fly on she gave me a funny look and my wife told me off. :(
🤣 🤣 🤣
Night All. :)
Bloke across the road has an 8 Yd skip on his drive. Has put F-A in it because he leaves all the stuff out around the skip and people take the stuff away.
Next door neighbour said to me, "oh yes if you put stuff out is all goes. I put a broomstick out and it was taken."
When I asked if it was the one she had first learned to fly on she gave me a funny look and my wife told me off. :(
A worthy winner for humorous post of the week award :p
Oh dear oh dear oh dear!!!
dint your mobile work in the supermarket???

You remind me of a bloke I once worked with. He got married and told his mrs he'd help with the housework.
He got the hoover out and started, banging it into all the furniture etc.
His wife shouted at him "Never ever touch that Hoover again!" (Angry face)
So he never did.

Job done!!!;););)
Eye wuked wiv someone who helped paint the skirting board when first married. Gorrit on the carpet and spilt the tin. Was banned from decorating. He would sit int chair wiv his feet up watching the football wiv his mrs painting in the background and send us a pic of it.

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