During the cleaning had to take down two big crystal-type, glass ceiling light, shadey things. Circular about 18" diameter.
Heart in mouth mo as the things wot old em are a bit iffy. Still got em down, threw the dead bugs out, washed em and put em back up, having replaced one light bulb. Looks like the Queen Mary! (They are a bit Art Deco-y.) Boy did W spend a lot of dosh furnishing this house. How many other people do I know who put off their retirement by 3 years to find the dosh to furnish a house to their taste? None!

So, in line with stuff to improve my back I went for another constitional.
Turned right out of the gate so uphill to the church rather than downhill to the village. Shorts and shirt, it hasn't rained for days.
Got to the church and......... it started to rain.
Got back and it stopped!
Didn't rain too hard though.
So decided to have a bath, not for cleanliness you understand, (shower normally) but to ease the muscles in the hot watter. So long since I have done this I forgot things, like the bath is too narrow for my shoulders, (and I'm not Charles Atlas!) unless I fill it almost to the brim. That it's a pain having to clean the whole tub afterwards. (leaving that till tomoz when I'll be cleaning the whole shooting -match for the guests! ;)) and that you have to keep shifting around to be able to soap all of you.
Still back is deffo no worse.
Post arrived from Blighty! yippee W has finally got the extra oiled wool she needs to finish summat!
Bills, :(:(
Road tax for Disco, £325 sovs to only drive it there 6 months! Grr!:mad::mad::mad:
W discovered the bank had made a mistake paying a Tesco card bill.:rolleyes:
So curates egg really.
Hope you are all having fun!
During the cleaning had to take down two big crystal-type, glass ceiling light, shadey things. Circular about 18" diameter.
Heart in mouth mo as the things wot old em are a bit iffy. Still got em down, threw the dead bugs out, washed em and put em back up, having replaced one light bulb. Looks like the Queen Mary! (They are a bit Art Deco-y.) Boy did W spend a lot of dosh furnishing this house. How many other people do I know who put off their retirement by 3 years to find the dosh to furnish a house to their taste? None!

Only fools and horses scene

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