Well..... on another tack, I have been GARDENING. :eek:

Yes you read right;)

As W can't do it I am stuck with it.
She supervised from the "au vent" (a covered patio).
I planted out her bean plants that she had brought on from seed in the polytunnel.
Out of about 30 seeds 25 have sprouted. Which I am told is a good number.
So weeded the metal box bed thing and popped them in the ground, as I finished the heavens opened.
Which apparently is a "good thing". (Only joking, even I know that watering the plants in is what you do,,, shucks!)

Stopped raining now.

But still overcast.

Last night we had a thunderstorm that went on for ages, so switched off the hub, unplugged it and went to bed.
Must feed the mutts now, then us.
Have a good evening now!:):):)

I will be doing some gardening soon with 32 square meters of slabs out the back cause the boy dug is still wanting to
eat the nice sparkly gravel, :mad:
Well..... on another tack, I have been GARDENING. :eek:

Yes you read right;)

As W can't do it I am stuck with it.
She supervised from the "au vent" (a covered patio).
I planted out her bean plants that she had brought on from seed in the polytunnel.
Out of about 30 seeds 25 have sprouted. Which I am told is a good number.
So weeded the metal box bed thing and popped them in the ground, as I finished the heavens opened.
Which apparently is a "good thing". (Only joking, even I know that watering the plants in is what you do,,, shucks!)

Stopped raining now.

But still overcast.

Last night we had a thunderstorm that went on for ages, so switched off the hub, unplugged it and went to bed.
Must feed the mutts now, then us.
Have a good evening now!:):):)

I will be doing some gardening soon with 32 square meters of slabs out the back cause the boy dug is still wanting to
eat the nice sparkly gravel, :mad:
When yer sell fings abroard wiv the likes of DHL yer got the choice of incoterm. Select DAP 'delivered at place' so the receiver pays duty charges. If yer pick DDP 'delivered duty paid' the receiver dunt pay duty as it will be calculated when entering the shipping details. The sender will aggree to pay duty on their account wiv DDP.

Its easy to do. These days costs are known for most countries. Yer can get caught oot on big items if there's additional off loading charges. Easy to do if yer want to sell/ship abroard. Depends wevver yer want the business or not.
Last nite when i gottid back to castle hippo there be sonefink moving slowly at the end of me grass int distance. Whet to have a look and it be a hedgehog. Eye gottid pic's. Will put em up at the weekend. Put some [removed] by it then a flower sourcer of water. Eye stepped back un turned me fone light oft. Hurd it moving about. Had anuvva look and it had gone 2 foot across me soil where eye recently dug up the weeds. After that eye fink it went frew the gap int fence in the corner 4 foot away. Could hear somefing in me naybors garden russeling but not see it when eye looked. Fink eye scared it. First hedgehog eye has seen in me garden. Me uvva naybor ses he goes through my garden to visit his. Eye will make me garden more hedgehog friendly.

Edit: don't give meal wurms to hedgehogs. Not good for their stomachs and can cause ill health

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My good lady noticed a floater in her eye, slightly worse the next day 08:45 yesterday Specsavers scan, retina detaching.... 11am call saying go to A&E 13:00... Consulted 13:45, laser operated on 14:20, all repaired and home by 15:00.

We couldn't want better from the NHS... Take care of your eyes folks, any flashes/circles/blotches all of a sudden get them checked.

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