I spent some time on the lathe trimming down one of the 2WD units screw-in adapters.
This has allowed me to insert the 2WD unit into the rear axle assembly and push the half-shafts in.
If you look closely, you can see that a washer has been inserted in the LH side and sits between the adapter and the inner bearing race.
There was not quite enough clearance to slip a similar washer on the RH side and I will make the washers thinner so that both can be inserted during assembly.

Even without keyways or roll-pins, turning the 2WD sprocket(s) makes both half-shafts turn (purely through friction fit). :D


Looking very good and thought out
Hello all!
This morning was shopping day and I kept bumping into people, which was niuce. Discovered that the chemist is also mad keen on Landies and (@Shippers will be pleased) has a forward control that he bought from the dutch forces with onlu 11k kilometeres on the clock. He, as all of my fellow landy peeps over here, are no longer getting bits from the UK as the import duty knocks it completely out of the park. :(
Dunno how much of an effect it'll have on peeps like Paddock when all people from the schengen region pack in buying their stuff.

Tell him to join LZ and we arrange for you to courier it over ...

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