If this is true then I salute you :D
I get a lot of this, herself never puts something away in the right place and also never in the same wrong place twice. She then demands I help and gets sarky when I look in the 'wrong' place, "well iffn it int where is sposed to be, then I has to look where it shoont be, obvs!"
Oh dear!
At least with us we both know each is fallible although she agrees I am a bit less fallible than she is.
She never has to ask me to help as I tend to be able to find stuff she has lost quite quickly.
Because I so rarely lose stuff she always helps but only occasionally find things for me.
Being grateful each time the other finds summat is what saves us from biting one another's head off!;)
Some light gardinging duties today. Bit of weeding in the borders and a bit of grass over-seeding. Wood pigeons and spuggies should have plenty to scoff this weekend :rolleyes:.

I done a bit of weeding today well more like lawn removal, spent all day jumping in & out the digger n
dumper. Now ive just remembered I abandoned the digger outside there living room window ooooppps

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