Forecast a decent day tomorrow, not too hot but temp rising to 85 on Sunday Monday and 95 on Tuesday so I'm jumping in the van on Sun afternoon and plodding off to Stranraer 220 miles away where the temp is going to be low seventies max for the next four days. Be a nice cool break
Well I do, quite a bit wifey don't. Now we have neighbours we wonder how long it'll be before they unbend enough to get themselves invited in.
But yes having positioned it so far from the road and grown trees to screen from the neighbours, no problem. It is a delightful feeling!;):):):)
1st night in our new rental in California with a pool & a hot-tub (1986) we heated the hot-tub up to 80+ and had the bubble-storm going and skinny-dipped (lots of naughty stuff and giggling). I jumped out of the hot tub into the cooler main pool and when I turned round at the end of the pool to see my neighbours wife watching out of their bedroom window. Oops!
Waved again towards @derwendolly as I drove past..
Breakfast over the brecons in the morning once unloaded
Waved again towards @derwendolly as I drove past..
Breakfast over the brecons in the morning once unloaded
View attachment 269374
Missed you again! This time I'm over in Monmouthshire in the MH enjoying the sun. :) I'll watch out for you tomorrow as I travel along the A40 westwards. - I'll wave to every lorry I see and hope I don't get run in for 'soliciting', Ha, ha.,with a bit of luck I'll be well away before they are all able to turn round to chase me. :D:D
Morning all.
Been up a few hgourd already doing yet m,ore of the bloody jointing before it gets too hot.
Finally had a better look at the 6 letters from EDF.
It turns out, according to them, that we owe 4 different amounts all to be paid by the 17th, all bills dated with the same date, and adding up to €500.:eek::eek: (The other two missives were "rectified bills" and this dates all the way back to last December.)
This is arrant nonsense, especially as the last time I logged onto our account on the interweb it said "you have nothing to pay".
Can a huge company ever get its knickers so much in a twist?
So I will photocopy every last page of all 6, take a photo of all the 6 envelopes they came in, all with the same day postmark, and send it to the CEO of EDF by the equivalent of registered post, telling them that I am making a formal complaint and that I will not pay a penny until I get clarification. I will include a meter reading made by myself as our meter is a "Linky" which they are supposed to be able to read remotely. I may also include screen shots of whatever the page on my part of the site says about what I owe.
Wifey, the ex-bean counter, will look at them too so we can try and make head or tail of them.
And of course they make no mention of monies paid in.
Although I get a "thank you" email off them every time they get a cheque.:rolleyes:
Very hot again so off to shop soon in an air-conditioned hypermarché.
Have a nice one folks!

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