I tried that NHS thingy back in January, and spend some time uploading stuff only to be told that they could not verify my identity. The only reason I got the vaccination and booster was to be able to travel - goodness knows, the effectiveness fades soon enough - so this was a little frustrating. The final message was to contact my GP about it. As I haven't visited a GP since 1977, this might not be straightforward as the GP in question is long since dead. So I might have to get around to registering with a GP for the first time in my adult life, merely to get a vaccine passport. Maybe all I need to do is just leave it a bit longer and I won't need one.
I tried that NHS thingy back in January, and spend some time uploading stuff only to be told that they could not verify my identity. The only reason I got the vaccination and booster was to be able to travel - goodness knows, the effectiveness fades soon enough - so this was a little frustrating. The final message was to contact my GP about it. As I haven't visited a GP since 1977, this might not be straightforward as the GP in question is long since dead. So I might have to get around to registering with a GP for the first time in my adult life, merely to get a vaccine passport. Maybe all I need to do is just leave it a bit longer and I won't need one.
"they" have to link you to a / your GP to enable you to use the online thing. If you ain't got a GP they can't identify you. Pity that HMRC don't adopt the same attitude.
"they" have to link you to a / your GP to enable you to use the online thing. If you ain't got a GP they can't identify you. Pity that HMRC don't adopt the same attitude.

So it seems. When I went for my first vaccination in a community centre in our local town the staff were amazed at the age of my NHS card and that I still had an old style NHS number with letters in it, rather than the present day all-numeric ones. Obviously, I've had minor ailments in the last four decades such as colds and flu and occasional stomach upsets, but nothing I've felt a GP could help me with so I've just not been.
British Steel in Scunthorpe :D
I used to know it well, I worked there as a site engineer more than 40 years ago on construction works. I remember once setting up some very complicated foundations for a new control room in the BOS plant, loads of intricate formwork and fiddly reinforcement. On the morning we were due to chuck the concrete in, the whole lot was a smouldering mess covered in a thick layer of steel slag. The night shift had tipped a ladle out on top of it all.
I used to know it well, I worked there as a site engineer more than 40 years ago on construction works. I remember once setting up some very complicated foundations for a new control room in the BOS plant, loads of intricate formwork and fiddly reinforcement. On the morning we were due to chuck the concrete in, the whole lot was a smouldering mess covered in a thick layer of steel slag. The night shift had tipped a ladle out on top of it all.
It is such a huge place, I was slightly overwhelmed :)
NHS didn't open me online account :( because the photo I took of me passport wasn't good enough. So took one with me phone cam and emailed it to myself (now that the inter web works on me phone. And uploaded it to the NHS site via laptop. Then cocked up the video bit by accidentally disabling the laptop cam and sound recording :(. Finally figured out how to turn them back on and finished the application process. And it all worked, I am now officially loggable in to the NHS online service and should be able to get a covid passport :):):). Gonna have to do it all again with SWMBO, better hide anything that can be thrown :eek:

The big question is when and where are you going? And don’t forget to make sure the fridge is full when you go:D:D you know why:).

We just logged in with our ID number and scanned the QR and “bing” it was there well it was something like that but was easy pessy, oh the joy of a country that skipped a few stages of tech:D.

The big question is when and where are you going? And don’t forget to make sure the fridge is full when you go:D:D you know why:).
Are you kidding? That's why I fly that information well under the radar :D

We just logged in with our ID number and scanned the QR and “bing” it was there well it was something like that but was easy pessy, oh the joy of a country that skipped a few stages of tech:D.
Yerbut no but our guv mint needs to spend loads of our money on NHS IT that doesn't work. And makes the service impossible to access for sick people :rolleyes:
Saw this on another forum…

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