Afternoon folks:).

well not said much for a few days as not really done much;), it has been raining for most of it which has taken a toll on the enthusiasm bucket. Anyway back at it today and more wood up to form a ceiling, running low on wood but should have enough to get it to plasterboard stage. Also banged me bonce again:eek: in the same place, bald patch has taking a battering lately:rolleyes:.
It has been decided that then I will move to A N Other job so more of the stored wood for other jobs can be used up so we can regain the summer kitchen, for the summer:). Which is a great idea:D.
Just got to love working 3 jobs at the same time and juggling the weather:).

Do you find you get more done when you are on your own and don't get called out to "help" with something else?
I do. I did most of the work fitting out our place during the holidays when Wifey couldn't get holiday as she worked like a normal person, not a teacherer. Once she retired that flew out the window and I slowed down even more dramatically when I retired.
Mare of an afternoon with technology n gadgets. My mission was to get an NHS app onto me dog n bone so I can get a covid passport for travelling abroad. But first I had to get downloads from goggle which involved opening a goggle account which got frustrated as they kept sending secret codes which had to be accessed via emails n messages part way through so kept getting lost and I don't have an eight year old kid handy to sort it all out. So I abandoned that mission. But mysteriously my email account is now accessible on the dog so not all wasted time. But abandoned the idea of getting the app that way and went on me noo shiny apple mac to get it there. And that involved scanning my passport from the printer (NHS would not accept the scan as it was too faint). Using the alternative option of uploading a photo of my passport and recording a short vid of my mush and talking some numbers worked. But it takes at least another day for the NHS to check it all meets their requirements. So the lump hammer remains in the garage and phone n laptop are safe for now. :rolleyes:
Agree, tis a right pain. but at least once it's on there, it's on there. But we always print the NHS passport thing off so when we get to immigration we just show them the print out. It is less angst-ridden and they prefer it. Obvs you have to keep ensuring it is in date, but it puts your mind at rest. Also you can download it as a document of some sort to show if you must use your phone rather than trying to access the NHS app in front of them. Speeds up getting through the queue by miles too!
Hope you get there soon!
I tried that NHS thingy back in January, and spend some time uploading stuff only to be told that they could not verify my identity. The only reason I got the vaccination and booster was to be able to travel - goodness knows, the effectiveness fades soon enough - so this was a little frustrating. The final message was to contact my GP about it. As I haven't visited a GP since 1977, this might not be straightforward as the GP in question is long since dead. So I might have to get around to registering with a GP for the first time in my adult life, merely to get a vaccine passport. Maybe all I need to do is just leave it a bit longer and I won't need one.
You haven't visited a GP since 1977?!!!
What the absolute FUCK?????????
You'll end up in the Guinness book of records!!!!!:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
What I'd give for your health!!!!!:):):):):)
So it seems. When I went for my first vaccination in a community centre in our local town the staff were amazed at the age of my NHS card and that I still had an old style NHS number with letters in it, rather than the present day all-numeric ones. Obviously, I've had minor ailments in the last four decades such as colds and flu and occasional stomach upsets, but nothing I've felt a GP could help me with so I've just not been.
So no broken limbs, nothing needing an op, or an x-ray, or any other type of scan?
Are you kidding? That's why I fly that information well under the radar :D

Yerbut no but our guv mint needs to spend loads of our money on NHS IT that doesn't work. And makes the service impossible to access for sick people :rolleyes:
Truble is most Schengen countries require it for you to go there. We've needed it for three years running. Just to go to our own bloody house!:mad::mad::mad:
I go to tata steel in port Talbot you drive round & the big tippers dwarf me.
I was at school with a bloke who inherited a steel works in his early twenties. Somewhere in south Wales. When I saw him not long after, he'd grown a big pot and spent a lot of money on ladies of the night. Hain't seen him since! Can't even remember his name now. (That's gonna bug me now till I do remember, we had a lot of Welsh lads at my school, many had similar names.)
Agree, tis a right pain. but at least once it's on there, it's on there. But we always print the NHS passport thing off so when we get to immigration we just show them the print out. It is less angst-ridden and they prefer it. Obvs you have to keep ensuring it is in date, but it puts your mind at rest. Also you can download it as a document of some sort to show if you must use your phone rather than trying to access the NHS app in front of them. Speeds up getting through the queue by miles too!
Hope you get there soon!
Gorrit all sorted now. Don't need an app, just an NHS log-in. So I've got me covid passport on me laptop, and can update it any time. And print it off (yeah, I can connect to the printer via wi-fi as of today). :cool:
You haven't visited a GP since 1977?!!!
What the absolute FUCK?????????
You'll end up in the Guinness book of records!!!!!:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
What I'd give for your health!!!!!:):):):):)
Well, there's never seemed much point, merely to say 'There's nothing much wrong with me, but I just thought I'd pop in and say hello'. I'd never get past the receptionist. Thinking back, I had a broken wrist back in 1980, but went directly to casualty as we called it in those days, and had a vasectomy in 2000, but booked that directly through BPAS so I had a quick consultation with a counsellor who asked me if I realised it was likely to be permanent, and then a very jovial ten minutes with a surgical team. Oh, and the Covid vaccinations, but that was all volunteers and nurses. Obviously I've had a lot of contact with doctors in my role as an informal carer, but it's not been about my own health, and I study health care in my working life. Medicine is much better as a spectator sport.
Gorrit all sorted now. Don't need an app, just an NHS log-in. So I've got me covid passport on me laptop, and can update it any time. And print it off (yeah, I can connect to the printer via wi-fi as of today). :cool:
Sorry, it kinda looks like an app on my mobile, there is an icon to click on, put it like that, but yes, once you have got your sign in, you're off and running!:rolleyes:
Happy you have got it sorted and can print stuff off!!:):):)
It does leave you felling more confident, doesn't it?;)
Well, there's never seemed much point, merely to say 'There's nothing much wrong with me, but I just thought I'd pop in and say hello'. I'd never get past the receptionist. Thinking back, I had a broken wrist back in 1980, but went directly to casualty as we called it in those days, and had a vasectomy in 2000, but booked that directly through BPAS so I had a quick consultation with a counsellor who asked me if I realised it was likely to be permanent, and then a very jovial ten minutes with a surgical team. Oh, and the Covid vaccinations, but that was all volunteers and nurses. Obviously I've had a lot of contact with doctors in my role as an informal carer, but it's not been about my own health, and I study health care in my working life. Medicine is much better as a spectator sport.
As the French would say!
You may laugh at this, you may not.
But when I went in for my vasectomy, it was a by-product of me needing a hernia repair, peri-umbilical.
I just said to the docs, "While I'm out, can you give me a Vasectomy too? Kind of BOGOF offer?"
After a severe grilling as to why I didn't want children at the age of 35 and recently separated! (And being a teacher, and being now with a woman who had 3 grown up kids!) he agreed.
So when I was on the ward in pre-op the doc came round with a bunch of students and asked me how I came to have the hernia. He said "What were you doing when it happened?" so I told him/them the truth.
"Having sex!"
What I didn't tell him was that I had sex with the same woman twice, the first time I got the hernia, the second she got pregnant. And with two kids already and only knowing me for a few weeks it put the kibosh on the whole thing!
Despite the fact she agreed the condom malfunction was no more my fault than hers!:(
Up earlyish to go back to town yet again, to take something, a duvet, to a dry cleaners. first time I've ever used one in France. Dreading the price!:eek:
Then to pick up the hens!!!:):):):)
Doubtless I'll have to come back down yet again to drop off the crate they will be putting them in, as we don't have one of our own.:mad:
Just realised we have a neighbour, the one who takes them off us at the end of the season, who has crates and he'd be sure to lend us one.:rolleyes:
(Smacks head in frustration!:mad::mad::mad:)
Anyway, have a lovely day, all!:):):)

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