well being hunched over you are prime bait for a bit of bumming off me and @Broke Again o_O
If that does not give you the incentive to hurry up and heal nothing will , we can be there in 5 hours o_Oo_Oo_O

You have been warned - get well soon or else o_Oo_Oo_O


Ive just been outside.........Im fine........:D
The S&B lathe cost me £700 and it included 2 chucks plus all the other tooling (in fact more than I could use) the Raglan was 'free' as it came from a family friend (free but around £140 in expenses).
The Centec cost £500 including a load of tooling etc.
All these old British bits of iron can still be had for reasonable money if you stay away from the big names like Myford and Harrison etc :)
I have had a look online but nothing seems within my budget/reach for transport etc. etc. I only have a little ' 6" x 15' workshop and half of that is an 8 x 2 workbench.
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Cleaned me bay winda and frame ter day. Changed the seal on one ov the opening windas. Pulled the sealer oot the vurtickle frame bits and put some nu stuff int. Old stuff wernt always stuck int propper so eye finks it was givin me air leaks. Mire to do but thats a test bit ter see how iffit wurks.

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