View attachment 255287

Merry Christmas from me and William. Hope you've been good boys and girls and Santa brings you lots of nice presents. Personally I've got a car on the drive that I've wanted since I was a nipper, both my lads have come home and we're visiting my parents tomorrow. Sometimes life can't get any better.

Enjoy your day, best wishes Rob
I quite like the look of your motor in a pervy sort of way. There, I've come out :oops::D
Afternoon folks:).

Well Santa popped by but he never peeled the spuds or carrots we left out, anybody would think he was busy or something:rolleyes::D.
So we have a nice sunny day and now just waiting on the spuds and stuff, 20-30mins then we will stuffing ourselves:).
Wine is open and being tested;).

Hope everybody has a Merry Xmas and the New year brings all a good 1:)

Enjoy the day folks its 1 of the few us retryed officially have a day off:rolleyes::D.

Thanks Santa - can’t fault your taste old fella!

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