Had the allegedly badly behaved 6yr grandottir to stay over last nite.
Apparently she's a naughty school an acts up all the time an won't go to bed / sleep an drives her parents potty.

SWMBO took her to the park yesdi for an hour, gave her a bath with a glass of warm milk and made her a decent home cooked dinner all before I got in from wuk. She gave me a very pleasant welcome 'Wotcha Donk' and a nice hug. I put a Disney film on for her an she sat by the burner with Fuzzybutt and fell fast asleep. So far she has slept thirteen hours an counting.. She's just knackered... all the time...

So, shall be instructing her parents to REMOVE THE BLOODY TELLY FROM HER BEDROOM, twits.. :)
Wot, no new panties?
The only punk LP I like.
I've got that one in me kerlecktion. But nothing to play it on - shouldn't have junked me music centre before I got some new kit - which I never got round to.
Things I have to do today:
New plugs, lambda sensor, aux belt and tensioner on the Alfa.
Build a new TV stand to accommodate my new centre speaker and AV receiver
Set up new 7.1 system for the telly
Wheelbarrow half a tonne of gravel from the drive into the back garden.

What I'm actually going to do today:
Watch Oz v the windies in the cricket
Watch the United City match in the footy
Watch Eng v SA in the cricket.
Sorry mate, but I never play by the sellers rules. I always go by the wording of the Act. You have the right to reject anything in the first 30 days after you have taken possession of the item and are entitled to a full refund if the item is basically not right. If you reTURN the item under the 14 day rule then they are entitled to charge you a return fee. Feck that. No chance, the item is not as it should be. I could quote the act section to you but I am on the other pooter now, so do not have the exact wording to hand but I have quoted it to them in the letter. OK here it is, "Quality of goods" as in the Act.
(3)The quality of goods includes their state and condition; and the following aspects (among others) are in appropriate cases aspects of the quality of goods—

(a)fitness for all the purposes for which goods of that kind are usually supplied;

(b)appearance and finish;

(c)freedom from minor defects;


So they are bang to Rights!
In the past I was stupid enough to go along with companies who had their own terms and conditions, but it took far longer and got me nowhere.
Once I started using the Small Claims track and got to know consumer law they usually rolled over straightaway and did the right thing.
Funny things still happened. I got funny lawyer's letters "telling" me to do stuff which basically got a reply telling them to stick it. Always got satisfaction.
With B&Q it went to arbitration but still got what I should have got the first time. Companies rely on the man in the street not knowing the law.
I don't sweat it cos I've been there so often I just know I'm going to win. I just get on with it, show them I mean business and it is usually over and done with quite quickly. ;)
It's a lot easier to talk to them on the phone or web chat to get what you want first. If they won't do it then take the enforced route. If yer not asking for more than yer entitled too then it solves the problem with less hassle.
Had the allegedly badly behaved 6yr grandottir to stay over last nite.
Apparently she's a naughty school an acts up all the time an won't go to bed / sleep an drives her parents potty.

SWMBO took her to the park yesdi for an hour, gave her a bath with a glass of warm milk and made her a decent home cooked dinner all before I got in from wuk. She gave me a very pleasant welcome 'Wotcha Donk' and a nice hug. I put a Disney film on for her an she sat by the burner with Fuzzybutt and fell fast asleep. So far she has slept thirteen hours an counting.. She's just knackered... all the time...

So, shall be instructing her parents to REMOVE THE BLOODY TELLY FROM HER BEDROOM, twits.. :)
Eye fink yer puttid the disney film on for yerself.
Morning all :D
Sorry I am late, it has been a busy-ish morning.
I have made some custom parts with my lathe for a friend to use on his trike. :)
All finished this morning and now I can send his HUB back to him.
My new MIG welder is stuck in customs pending import charges being paid. :(
Going to make myself some luncheon and then I shall go hunting for that elusive DC power cable (no promises I will find it though).
Have a lovely day, and be good to yourself and those around you. :D
Things I have to do today:
New plugs, lambda sensor, aux belt and tensioner on the Alfa.
Build a new TV stand to accommodate my new centre speaker and AV receiver
Set up new 7.1 system for the telly
Wheelbarrow half a tonne of gravel from the drive into the back garden.

What I'm actually going to do today:
Watch Oz v the windies in the cricket
Watch the United City match in the footy
Watch Eng v SA in the cricket.

Like your thinking. Here...

Things I have to do today:
1. Build a 12' x 6' high roof shed

What I'm actually doing today:
1. Just come in for lunch :)
2. Building a 12' x 6' high roof shed where shed parts are of unequal length and requiring much modification :mad:

Note to self - next time build all panels at home, don't buy kit :mad::mad:

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