There's no need to start a fight at the moment as the purchased item has a warranty to claim under. Follow that route in a peaceful way and dont stress over it. Yer only need to fight if they refuse and yer gorra honest case. Section 11.3 int link below
Sorry mate, but I never play by the sellers rules. I always go by the wording of the Act. You have the right to reject anything in the first 30 days after you have taken possession of the item and are entitled to a full refund if the item is basically not right. If you reTURN the item under the 14 day rule then they are entitled to charge you a return fee. Feck that. No chance, the item is not as it should be. I could quote the act section to you but I am on the other pooter now, so do not have the exact wording to hand but I have quoted it to them in the letter. OK here it is, "Quality of goods" as in the Act.
(3)The quality of goods includes their state and condition; and the following aspects (among others) are in appropriate cases aspects of the quality of goods—

(a)fitness for all the purposes for which goods of that kind are usually supplied;

(b)appearance and finish;

(c)freedom from minor defects;


So they are bang to Rights!
In the past I was stupid enough to go along with companies who had their own terms and conditions, but it took far longer and got me nowhere.
Once I started using the Small Claims track and got to know consumer law they usually rolled over straightaway and did the right thing.
Funny things still happened. I got funny lawyer's letters "telling" me to do stuff which basically got a reply telling them to stick it. Always got satisfaction.
With B&Q it went to arbitration but still got what I should have got the first time. Companies rely on the man in the street not knowing the law.
I don't sweat it cos I've been there so often I just know I'm going to win. I just get on with it, show them I mean business and it is usually over and done with quite quickly. ;)
Dunt little ones say funny fings when they is trying ter wurk somefink oot un questionnin yer. Yer can ere them trying ter make sense ovvit by the nature of the question's gerrin more depthfull.

Eye were purrin wosshin oot earlier un edgar wur questionnin the big tree ut the end of me garden bout droppin it's leefs and iffit felt sad ter lose em un why it wur droppin em un why they is changin colour.
Oh dear I hope it comes out :( na I didnt need to google it, id read about it before after a question
on the chase & it was stuck somewhere in the grey matter. :) (but I did google it back then)
As it stood he wasn't actually deemed to have properly atoned the Cleansing as he got paid for it, so Eurystheus made him do two more. :(:(:(
Bit of a sh!t story really.:D
Reminds me of you and wingnut. He has got a heck of a way to go to atone for his treatment of you. But at least he didn't slay his wife and kids!
As it stood he wasn't actually deemed to have properly atoned the Cleansing as he got paid for it, so Eurystheus made him do two more. :(:(:(
Bit of a sh!t story really.:D
Reminds me of you and wingnut. He has got a heck of a way to go to atone for his treatment of you. But at least he didn't slay his wife and kids!

Funny you saying about kids I asked him before why did he not have any. I was blown away by his
answer, which was im too feckn selfish I can hardly look after myself never mind any kids. o_O
Funny you saying about kids I asked him before why did he not have any. I was blown away by his
answer, which was im too feckn selfish I can hardly look after myself never mind any kids. o_O
Don't know why you are blown away by this. It looks like he is actually taking responsibility for once!
Actually yes maybe him taking responsibility IS a bit mind blowing.:D:D:D:D
I don't have any kids of my own. My ex and I agreed we wouldn't have any until we were absolutely sure the marriage was going to work. (My parents' marriage didn't and I didn't want to subject any kid to what I went through.) so that was the right decision, we never had kids as a result.;)
But with Wifey I gained 3 grown up step-kids and we are all very happy together. Well the youngest was 18 and it didn't work out right away, but we get on really fine now. And I have 6 lovely grandkids.
Wonder if wingnut's wife realises this?;)
Done a bit of welding to my trailer, inside this time its now back on its wheels got the manitou
from the yard & flipped it right side up. I think I'll look for another one as ive abused this one. :oops:
Weld it & sell it on me finks. Although I only paid 220 quid for it 5 years ago its paid for itself
a few times over & over & over.....:D Any guesses what I get for it.
Don't know why you are blown away by this. It looks like he is actually taking responsibility for once!
Actually yes maybe him taking responsibility IS a bit mind blowing.:D:D:D:D
I don't have any kids of my own. My ex and I agreed we wouldn't have any until we were absolutely sure the marriage was going to work. (My parents' marriage didn't and I didn't want to subject any kid to what I went through.) so that was the right decision, we never had kids as a result.;)
But with Wifey I gained 3 grown up step-kids and we are all very happy together. Well the youngest was 18 and it didn't work out right away, but we get on really fine now. And I have 6 lovely grandkids.
Wonder if wingnut's wife realises this?;)

Good on you matey for sticking with it happy dayz, many a man would have bailed.
Wingnuts wife is a weirdo she doesnt like being around people, but is a theatre nurse.
.....well we is off to the theeeater tomoz, in Bath.
(I'll get to use my bus pass for the first time.:rolleyes:) Park n ride. (always think that sounds like what I used to do with girlfriends back in the 70s!!)
Lunch at Cote Brassiere then Noel Coward with actors wifey likes and one actress I had a real thing over when she was younger. (God I hate anno domini!)
Not too happy about spending a couple of hours in a big room with lots of other peeps with a mask on, (not that I want it with the masks off!) But Wifey did it the other day and has yet to go down with the lurgy.
Missed an appt with the Chiro today, 4:30 p.m. They rang me three times and finally left a message saying they supposed I had forgotten or was I OK?
Think this is a good opportunity to drop the guy as he takes my money but hadn't actooly done me any good yet. He doesn't even crunch my bones the way normal ones do.
So I'm off to the Chiropractic college!
Treated myself to noo boots :):)
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