I am conflicted it seems.
Youngest boy reaches out for help in "getting his garden sorted".
I do lots of work with him and then (injured) I tell him he really needs to get a bloke in.
The "Bloke" in question is a really good guy works like a demon and only charges £150/day.
I tell my boy to "get her done mate" and offer to lend the money required.
Fast Forward 2 weeks and.... the garden is "DONE" Smashing & lovely.
But... the normal £200/month my lad pays me for the other £5k he has borrowed isn't paid.
Call him and all I get is excuses about "birthdays and i-pads" and his wife buying a dog.
WTF!!! :mad::mad::mad:
Only "liked " this out of sympathy.
Looks like you lent him the money plus £50 without realising it.
Can only sympathise.:(:(:(
Ouch any pics of it.

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