Tray is reglued and now standing upside down with a load of slates on it to apply pressure.
Love this sort of job, took longer to find the bits than do it!

My favourite three TV progs:
Repair Shop
Find it, fix it flog it.
Wheeler Dealers,

followed at a bit of a distance by Money for nothin,
(Can't stand Jay blades and some of the stuff they do in that last one is puke. AND the trades charge a heck of a price.)
Not into "upcycling" more into repairing and restoring.
All good fun!!!:):):):):)
This was sainsbury haha.. filled up so I've got fool fer the weekend jolly
There is a Tesco in the centre of "town" but it charges a bit more cos you can drive straight in and out whereas with Sainsbury's you have to drive out to the edge of town then when you come out of it you have to go down the dool cabbageway way a bit then round a roundabout etc, to get to where you came from. :rolleyes:
The weather is my only concern! It is forecast to go up to 26 C and I am not a fan of heat although the dogs have fans for indoors and they sensibly go under the tent where it remains cool.:)
hope it stays dry for you!
Like you I am not a fan of the heat, but I do like it dry!
"The tent" is this the awning or do you put a tent up as well.:eek:
Well, tbh, you is lucky to have your washing machine licence.
We were only discussing this the other day and sometimes I can still only drive ours with dual controls!:):):)
Just me provisional, wor lass gives me diagrams and instructions prior to operating…….she forgot to tell me the contents of the basket was for two washes…… it was her fault.
Just me provisional, wor lass gives me diagrams and instructions prior to operating…….she forgot to tell me the contents of the basket was for two washes…… it was her fault.
Oooooohhhhhh feck!
Do tell me you haven't mixed up the coloured with the whites?:eek::eek::eek:
Washing machines are very racist!
The lot could come out pink or grey, as happened to me once and Wifey was wearing "very trendy" grey bras for a while!:(:(:(
I have never been allowed to forget it! mind you her bras do cost €70 a pop!
I escape too, but I do it by reading lots and lots of history, or fiddling about with projects of one sort or another, love mending things others would throw away.
Or watching all sorts of stuff on the telly with my missus.
Daily grind stopped the day I retired although a large part of life can be a bit of a grind.
But spending each half of the year in a different country really rejuvenates us, think, well I know, we'd both get cabin fever if we couldn't do this. :):):):)
Aye, we normally have 5/6 weeks visiting the family in NZ but thon frosty faced woke PM seems to have put the knockers on that for the foreseeable
...that I have been up a ladder to look at the MIL's roof (there is a leak coming into her bathroom and water drip from the broken XpelAir in the ceiling onto the floor).
Cannot see anything wrong outside where we are seeing the leak inside.
I do not want to clamber onto a roof as I have one false hip already and don't want another one.
Time to call a roofer I think. :rolleyes:
Agree, there are times when one just has to give in gracefully and smile.:)
Sadie the Bra lady?
You're gonna force me to Google that!
Ok found it.
Nope, she gets them from a French shop that does nowt else but undies.
She is one of the ladies who English shops don't seem to cater for, narrow back but large boobs.
I knew a woman back in the day who was built the same and had exactly the same problem. She too used to have to get them from France. Think her figure is more common over here.
Very pretty, much nicer than the English ones, but yep, pricey!
Will have to tell her about Sadie, maybe she'll be able to get sumat there!
She does recognise the name "Freya" but, as it says in the website, you have to go to a shop to be measured up, and we live too far away!
Thanks for trying though!
What a forum where blokes discuss ladies' bras.
Fink we might have to watch this!;)
It's the tin one.:) It has six hydrolic(sp???) ones so sits up enough to give them the space to get underneath comfortably.:)
Ah, I get you, "tin tent" ha ha !
So you will be done for "loitering with intintent"!;):D:D:D

(Hydraulic, do you mean?)

Do you need a flight of steps to get into it or does it have a lift, i know it's very posh!
Or do you always park on a slope on porpoise?

"Hergés adventures of TinTent"

I'll shut up now.:oops::oops::oops:
You're gonna force me to Google that!
Ok found it.
Nope, she gets them from a French shop that does nowt else but undies.
She is one of the ladies who English shops don't seem to cater for, narrow back but large boobs.
I knew a woman back in the day who was built the same and had exactly the same problem. She too used to have to get them from France. Think her figure is more common over here.
Very pretty, much nicer than the English ones, but yep, pricey!
Will have to tell her about Sadie, maybe she'll be able to get sumat there!
She does recognise the name "Freya" but, as it says in the website, you have to go to a shop to be measured up, and we live too far away!
Thanks for trying though!
What a forum where blokes discuss ladies' bras.
Fink we might have to watch this!;)
Talking about them is one thing, wearing them is another. :eek:

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