Well it is so wet and miserable here I have had to put on the (under-floor and electric Grrrrrr!) heating today as the Wifey says she is "cold" and she needs the washing to dry somewhere.
Got a little mending job to do, lovely wooden tray, one end of a handle has split.
Wifey and I "discussed" how I was going to mount the shower mixer gubbins. Well we started discussing it then after about three, "well that can't work becos" she bellows "Well we get a man in to fix it then!"
This is how many of our "discussions" (on things like this) go.
Which is why mostly I just get on with it.
At least she is always happy once it's done, in the end, and agrees that "getting a man in" to do it to the same standard and with the same level of ingenuity and off the wall thinking would be either impossible or expensive or both.
Trouble is partly it's a Brit fitting to go onto French blue and red plassy type pipe, can't remember its official name. and where it is supposed to be mounted is just a big hole with the two pipes dangling in it.
I'll fix it eventually but it'll be an elaborate thing!
But it'll be a long drawn out process until my DVT stricken leg shrinks a bit and goes less of a purple colour!
July 14th is a bank holiday here so no shops etc open. Also nice and quiet. The Frogs really do take all their bank holidays very seriously!!!
Have a lovely day folks!