A whole day on the garden project and another 8 yard skip filled to the brim with concrete and topsoil.
Garden is completely scalped and will look like the Somme after the very first rain-shower.

All fences have been torn out in preparation for re-placement.
My prediuction to them that if you don't have a plan and order stuff early/in advance you end up with "no stock/no delivery slots available" has come true.
I didn't do project management without understanding the critical path analysis stuff and pre-req's.
TBH I am a bit pi$$ed off. Tom and I have worked non-stop since 08:30 until 17.45.
Cups of tea/coffee/orangeade offered? (only 2). Lunch? A taxi delivered KFC.
It's like we are responsible for it all and my son and his wife are just happy bystanders.

FFS, it ISN'T MY garden, it isn't my house. Why am I sucked in and working for free? /rant.