Some times needs must :( My mate sold his 90 today which I built, sad to see it go as its been
here for 6 years :( I did have the option to buy it back but ive got a few motors already the taxes
an insurance's costs soon mount up to a big wedge.
To be fair the series is tax and mot exempt but my cj needs doors importing from the US which will set me back about a grand. A man can only justify so many toys and it's not like I'm swamped with cash. Plus we want to buy a holiday home in Spain so something's got to give.
To be fair the series is tax and mot exempt but my cj needs doors importing from the US which will set me back about a grand. A man can only justify so many toys and it's not like I'm swamped with cash. Plus we want to buy a holiday home in Spain so something's got to give.

Ouch thats a sore one can you not fit freelander ones they is always falling orf o_O
It will be an up and down pitched roof at 45 degrees to match others local and the one it's replacing. What would yer use to cover it that will last a long time?
Tiles. The roof trusses distribute the weight down into the walls. The actual compressive stress transferred into the walls is very small. Its a design that has worked well for thousands of years.

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