It was very misty earlier on but now the sun is out and it looks lovely. I don't know about the temperature as I ain't poked me nose out there yet. :)
Usual performance 'ere, he's out, he's in an' I'm in me pit wi me cuppa.:)
It's going to be a busy day as I have to Teak oil me new gates 'cos they're coming to erect them on Monday. How I am going to do it I have no idea as they are squeezed into the shed and are too heavy for me to move. :eek:
Have a good day folks and I hope you get done all you had planned for. :)
Ooo whereabouts? We live in North Yorkshire on the coast.
And we go to the Dales most Christmases.
My Bruv still lives in Hull.
Used to go to Whitby, Scarborough, etc. Used to camp in a farmers field at Cowden.
Last time I went there I saw a lot of it had fallen into the sea.:(
But still had a fun time touring around, loved Robin Hood's Bay, which I don't remember seeing as a child.
Left when I was 8 in 1963.
Still a lovely part of the country.:):):):):)
It was very misty earlier on but now the sun is out and it looks lovely. I don't know about the temperature as I ain't poked me nose out there yet. :)
Usual performance 'ere, he's out, he's in an' I'm in me pit wi me cuppa.:)
It's going to be a busy day as I have to Teak oil me new gates 'cos they're coming to erect them on Monday. How I am going to do it I have no idea as they are squeezed into the shed and are too heavy for me to move. :eek:
Have a good day folks and I hope you get done all you had planned for. :)
Any reason why you cannot do it once they are fitted?
.... That Daffyd is going to look splendid on top of the new conservatory roof. :)
And we go to the Dales most Christmases.
My Bruv still lives in Hull.
Used to go to Whitby, Scarborough, etc. Used to camp in a farmers field at Cowden.
Last time I went there I saw a lot of it had fallen into the sea.:(
But still had a fun time touring around, loved Robin Hood's Bay, which I don't remember seeing as a child.
Left when I was 8 in 1963.
Still a lovely part of the country.:):):):):)

We is further up...marske by the sea. Pikey is from Hull and still has family there.. :)

We've been allover the country mostly with the LZ lot... Laning trips mostly and a couple of birthday celebrations
I got a nagging reminder from the state theft dept. that my bike road tax is due at the end of the month. So booked its MOT for next week. Tyre pressures to check and a quick once over followed by a ride out tomorrow to shake the cobwebs off. Road tax is also due on me tratter :rolleyes:. Gonna be an egg spensive month. Insurance is soon due on the bikes too, bet the premium hasn't gone down.
I have now concluded that that is my only choice - an 8' hardwood gate is heavy and if I had managed that I still had the second one to do. :(
The only problem that I can see is that the wood underneath the fixings will not have been protected. :(
It's a hard life!!:)
Well maybe you could just do the bits where the fixings are going to go, if you know where they are, even if you have to use a lever of some sort to move them slightly out of position to get at those places.
Alternatively when the guys come, ask them if you can quickly bung some teak oil on, just before they drill into them, or even better after, at each fixing point. If they are decent I can't see it being a problem. It isn't as if you are asking them to let you under coat and gloss coat them!:)

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