Well maybe you could just do the bits where the fixings are going to go, if you know where they are, even if you have to use a lever of some sort to move them slightly out of position to get at those places.
Alternatively when the guys come, ask them if you can quickly bung some teak oil on, just before they drill into them, or even better after, at each fixing point. If they are decent I can't see it being a problem. It isn't as if you are asking them to let you under coat and gloss coat them!:)
That was my method of thinking, too. :)
Tried that already but because it's one of my front teeth the food keeps moving over to the middle all by itself, almost like it's looking for the most tender part of me gums :(
Can't think of any other suggestion, bar trying to eat with your head held back, but then you risk choking!:(
At least mouth things do tend to heal up quite quickly.:)

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