Won't do any harm to get them to do a survey just so you can see how much they want to rip you off by charge you for faster broadband.

There was a village, can't remember where in the UK, prolly out West-a-ways .... anyway, they were quoted some really silly numbers and ganged together to lay the cable and have their own village system ...

Sadly our DD can't do that as there aren't enough of her to gang up ...:(
But not when he’s driving his corsa with the go faster stripe :rolleyes:

Na @Broke Again got a scrappage deal on the corsa & upgraded....
The increase in daylight is quite discernible today.
Me likey :)

Not down ere bud. Orrible an overcast all mornin.
Brighter this afto tho :)

Tis getting colder.

done my good deed for the week.

Uber lick. Kudos :D

Is it wrong to tell someone to dress sensible for the dusk evening?
(Let’s run with the flow of traffic)
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Had one of those las weekend. With the added safety feature of headphones... Dick.
What is it these days, cockwombles safety is not said cockwombles own
responsibility? Gears grindin..:mad:
@derwendolly you may be able to get them to provide a mobile broadband if they don’t want to lay cables.
There are government grants provided to open reach to cable to houses.
The cables to the village are already in - I actually saw this all happening about 3/4 years ago and then they found that they could not get a signal from the ones 'up the hill' down to our little road. They brought in a senior person from a neighbouring area to help but could do nothing because he could not communicate with the 'man at the top' - no mobile phone signal :rolleyes:. He requested an old fashioned like-they-used-to-use walkie talkie but was told 'no' 'cos they had mobile phones. :rolleyes: He was so angry about this he just walked off the job and went back to his own patch, leaving us in the position we are in now. Rather than try his method, they have now spend all this time thinking up another, expensive way of getting the signal though. They may be right but I am suspicious. :eek: The pole is straight outside my property on the other side of the road but there has been NO activity there since the last bloke left!
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Tonight I’m near Hereford. Forgot they close certain roads tonight so had to work a bit longer.
when you have to stop outside a chippie for the traffic lights to change & you cannot see a “large” parking space :mad:
Way back in the '70's I remember seeing, in Broad St, Hereford, a bus driver, stop his bus in the middle of the road, get out and go to collect his order from the chip shop at the side of the road! It was evening, so not heavy traffic, but none of the other drivers did anything but just accept this and waited for his return and the bus move on. :D:D:D Don't think that would happen today!
When I drove a lozza the boss sent me to Wales. He made me feel indispensable and popped a £20 note in me hond. Well I felt important and rich as that was half a days pay for driving. I imagined what greasy treble burger or full English I could eat whilst on this adventure. Anyway, the bridge ate my £20 :(
That made eye laff. How long ago was that and did yer x the bridge?
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Fast Broadband - finally cracked it, or have I? :rolleyes: :(:(:(

Have a read of the letter which I received an hour ago:-

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Give them a call to see what the cost is. Only go as far as you can with quotes while its free. If you need to pay for a quote then tell.them yer not interested. Adding faster internet can change the value if yer house. Peeps check these things before buying so yer could benefit if yer still moving.

Being oat in the sticks with farmers int necessarily a problem. They will be interested int bb anorl. It opens up business opportunities for them. There is a gov plan to roll oat fibre to every house int uk but the gov were upset to find the fibre din't actually go to the house. Secondly they were assured the houses wouldn't be charged and din't realise this was refering to direct charging... the shock was comical. Bb sellers absorbed the cost into their business model. The one they share the cost of across their customers. As if the gov thought they were going to find free money somewhere. It will be fibre to the eggschange and possibly a box on the side of the road which is a local network point. The last leg will still be copper cable. But that's good enough.

When they refer to fast bb they're saying faster than 10 meg. It will probably be 35 meg they is offering. That's more than enough to watch freelander video's ont youtube.

If there's trenches to be dug, farmers will be interested in that work. I once met a chap who wanted power to his barn. Saved himself thousands of sovs by digging the trench himself ready for the lectric peeps to finish the job, across his field.

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