Fast Broadband - finally cracked it, or have I? :rolleyes: :(:(:(

Have a read of the letter which I received an hour ago:-

View attachment 229991 View attachment 229992
In your shoes I think I'd get the free survey done then. and discuss it with the neighbours. But if it is like getting an unadopted road tarmacked round here, They'll do nowt, wait until one or two poor suckers pay for it then hope their chances of getting it have suddenly got cheaper, or they'll try to hack your Wifi!!
Our ex son -i-l's father paid for the whole of quite a long road where he lives to be done, on the understanding the cost would be shared by the other residents.
Quite a few never paid up and some even complained, about the height of the speed bumps or something.
Hopefully your neighbours, apart form one right next door, are friendlier.
Of course you could get it then charge them to use your Wifi.
Possibly not, but when you take into account that, at the most, there are only 10 of us and that's including three outlying farms. Can you see the wealthy farmers splashing out money?:rolleyes: Four of the other properties are ones owned by and rented out by same farmers, two others are owned and rented out by members of these same farming families, so that leaves only three of us to pay up!!
I have heard of small places that have done it off their own bat somehow, using a Sat dish or some other means of relaying it, which was cheaper. Once shared.
Tis getting colder.

done my good deed for the week. While in the services I popped into greggs for a pasty & saw some nice ambulance crews behind me. As they chatted they said let’s get some doughnuts.
Well I had the last 2 packs of doughnuts & 2 pasty’s you heard the tutts of disgust. well that changed when I handed the packs over & said enjoy.
Good on you mate!
i bet it made you feel warm all over!:):):):)
Give them a call to see what the cost is. Only go as far as you can with quotes while its free. If you need to pay for a quote then tell.them yer not interested. Adding faster internet can change the value if yer house. Peeps check these things before buying so yer could benefit if yer still moving.

Being oat in the sticks with farmers int necessarily a problem. They will be interested int bb anorl. It opens up business opportunities for them. There is a gov plan to roll oat fibre to every house int uk but the gov were upset to find the fibre din't actually go to the house. Secondly they were assured the houses wouldn't be charged and din't realise this was refering to direct charging... the shock was comical. Bb sellers absorbed the cost into their business model. The one they share the cost of across their customers. As if the gov thought they were going to find free money somewhere. It will be fibre to the eggschange and possibly a box on the side of the road which is a local network point. The last leg will still be copper cable. But that's good enough.

When they refer to fast bb they're saying faster than 10 meg. It will probably be 35 meg they is offering. That's more than enough to watch freelander video's ont youtube.

If there's trenches to be dug, farmers will be interested in that work. I once met a chap who wanted power to his barn. Saved himself thousands of sovs by digging the trench himself ready for the lectric peeps to finish the job, across his field.
I had a farmer mate who had 3 power lines cross in the middle of his farm. he had 300 acres. If he had done no work that year he'd a bin OK, thanks to the compo..
You should see the pylons!
Give them a call to see what the cost is. Only go as far as you can with quotes while its free. If you need to pay for a quote then tell.them yer not interested. Adding faster internet can change the value if yer house. Peeps check these things before buying so yer could benefit if yer still moving.

Being oat in the sticks with farmers int necessarily a problem. They will be interested int bb anorl. It opens up business opportunities for them. There is a gov plan to roll oat fibre to every house int uk but the gov were upset to find the fibre din't actually go to the house. Secondly they were assured the houses wouldn't be charged and din't realise this was refering to direct charging... the shock was comical. Bb sellers absorbed the cost into their business model. The one they share the cost of across their customers. As if the gov thought they were going to find free money somewhere. It will be fibre to the eggschange and possibly a box on the side of the road which is a local network point. The last leg will still be copper cable. But that's good enough.

When they refer to fast bb they're saying faster than 10 meg. It will probably be 35 meg they is offering. That's more than enough to watch freelander video's ont youtube.

If there's trenches to be dug, farmers will be interested in that work. I once met a chap who wanted power to his barn. Saved himself thousands of sovs by digging the trench himself ready for the lectric peeps to finish the job, across his field.
Just remembered i had to dig the trench from the house to the road, and put the conduit in, in order to get a landline to our French house. Did it by hand Wiv a spade in it) in the heat of French summer. Found the builders had dumped a lot of waste rocks there. Stopped eventually and took a detour so dug 1+1/2 as much as i needed to.:mad:
Still they came and fitted the line for not much dosh!:)
When the digger dug up the road to get at the lines, he broke it an had to spend ages reconnecting all those whose phones and broadband had suddenly gone dead:eek:
:)Not rainin' so I'm 'appy.
I am almost disappointed that I haven't got the slightest sign of having had the vac.,, not even a slightly sore arm. :) I was rather hoping I could tell the wee fellow to go back to bed 'cos I couldn't possibly open the door with such a sore arm :(
The sun is now shining brightly - must go and find my shades!:):):)
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Not rainin' so I'm 'appy.
I am almost disappointed that I haven't got the slightest sign of having had the vac.,, not even a slightly sore arm. :) I was rather hoping I could tell the wee fellow to go back to bed 'cos I couldn't possibly open the door with such a sore arm :(
Wifey's zoom with her mates yessday, they were saying how it gave them slight flu'like symptoms, but nowt to worry about. Wifey will be having the Astra one as she has allergies. Don't think she had a lot of choice anyway!
So, glad you are feeling OK, and hope it continues.
I am off to be d now as I got fed up of not being able to sleep by about 5 o'clock.
Just hope I don't wake er indoors!
Morning All :D
All the start-up jobs are done (paper, dishes, cat etc.) :)
A young lad was stood in the newsagents bold as brass, no mask on, while the rest of us all complied with the rules. Makes you a bit cross that does. :mad:
Coffee is made and sliding down nicely.
Spoke to my Sis last night she's only 67 and had her jab last week (because of her medical history I guess). :)
She had the AZ one (Genetically modified Chimp Cell Based) and reports no ill effects apart from the urge to eat banana's. ;)
Still NOT planning on takin the jab myself, but that's my choice.
Have a wonderful day everyone. :D
Morning all ive been held up today as my mate has missed his bus only 1 an hour & no point
me going to get him then come all the way back here. Kettle on then. :)

Wet n windy miserable weather :(

Had 2 calls to the house phone sayin my tinternet is getting cut off within 24 hours to somit to do
with security :rolleyes: please press 1 to get through to them...aye please feck right off :p:D
Morning all ive been held up today as my mate has missed his bus only 1 an hour & no point
me going to get him then come all the way back here. Kettle on then. :)

Wet n windy miserable weather :(

Had 2 calls to the house phone sayin my tinternet is getting cut off within 24 hours to somit to do
with security :rolleyes: please press 1 to get through to them...aye please feck right off :p:D

1 bus an hour, most folk would kill for that level of service in the western world :D

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