That looks lovely. It would just fit perfectly in my garden, pity you can't post it! :eek::rolleyes::):)
You are welcome to it, if you come over with a JCB etc!
Have a lickle holiday!:):):)
On second thorts, no way we could get a JCB to that spot.
Wifey says she'll cut a branch off for you and try to root it in some water, then we can send it to you once we get back, if you'd like!
You are correct but that is a problem as I need the tree here to be able to take the cutting!!! :D:D:D
I think you replied before I edited the post to say we'd try and send you a cutting but having looked into it there is a lot more to it than would at first appear.
Frinstance to avoid the bitter ones you can't eat.
Also Wifey says she thinks hers was grafted onto (prolly) an apple tree root, which is wyy it has grown so fast, (5 years). But we are lucky in that our soil is exceptional, "brown earth" we think but has had nothing but sheep dooos on it for decades before we bought it. Also although we have loads of springs it also drains very well. All our fruit trees have grown totally mad, you'll have heard about the 250 kgs of apples.
Only prob we have is the worms in the apples, which wifey thinks we might have to spray for next year. :(
Today was spent bombing up and down the M5 in the old S type - i'm kind of glad the RR is off the road..

Can Haz much MPGs!! ;)


Even gave the headlights a tidy up ;)




Not bad for an old Jag!
You are welcome to it, if you come over with a JCB etc!
Have a lickle holiday!:):):)
On second thorts, no way we could get a JCB to that spot.
Wifey says she'll cut a branch off for you and try to root it in some water, then we can send it to you once we get back, if you'd like!
That would be great and very good of your dear lady to offer to do it, I would love to give it a try. Thanks for the offer.
Morning All :D
A cool & overcast day here today. :)
It is supposed to rain from lunchtime on though.:(
I have managed to err... "block" the en-suite toilet. This is not going to be fun at all. :oops:
Although, herself is still asleep and so does not know it is blocked so there is a chance of some high-pitched screams from her later. :) Which may be amusing.
It doesn't usually overflow, it just fills the bowl to the rim and then slowly drains away, but it does give one a bit of a scare.
I am hoping to have a "me" day today (fingers crossed). :D

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