Happy whatever day its is folks:) (fink its Friday)

Well we had a night in the Big boys town last night with Ms friend, Nice walk and a few drinks at the beach, Food on the way back,35 quid for the 3 of us. Nice walk to walk it all off then obviously that worked up a thirst so stop for a nightcap (oh and the girls had apple pie and ice cream). loads of social distancing but not many masks on view. But still good plenty of space.

Woke this morning 10 mins before we were supposed to meet for brekkie:D yep we slept well. While having brekkie it chucked it down with rain and all the way home till about 3pm, now we have clear skies and sunshine.

Me I pad has died and now wont take a charge:mad: need to get the bike out in the morning and go back to the big boys town on me own:eek: Will be a nice ride aslong as it isnt raining again, take it to the shop and get new battery put in it.

Hope folks have got their weekend planned for enjoyment:D.

I am happy to say that the plumbing "re-bodge" was a roaring success! :D
Not only was the hideous abortion of the previous plumbing totally removed, the new plumbing went in "sweet as a nut" first time and with no issues and looks very kosher indeed.
Fully tested, no leaks, Hot & Cold services all good and with minimal disruption/damage to decor etc. :D:D:D
Thom who did all the hard stuff (while I handed him tools and did the easy stuff) was dreading the job because it may have meant removing the bath and a lot of difficulties and disruption.
In the end we had a really good look at "what" could go "where" and "how" and the job was jobbed for £60 parts and £140 labour. My son is delighted (especially as it was "Daddy funded" in the first instance). :rolleyes:
I think I saw @Stanleysteamer new business landrover
Well two funny things acksherly.
1/ EDF having been contacted because their bill based on estimated readings since FEB was well ocer the top told me that although I sent in my readings they couldn't change the bill nor send a person to read the meter.

But on carefully reading the email I think I was being hinted at for a solution.
(Sorry this is a bit longwinded, but those who live in Frogland will appreciate it.)
so @Ian M in France, @Datatek @Maurand @frog hopper et al, here we go!

Normally peeps in France have their electric on a simple tariff, one rate during the day another during the night.
But a few, like us have a thing called "Tempo" where you pay much cheaper for Blue days which are most of them, but it goes up on White days and Evden further up on Red days, (Colours of the flag, geddit?!) so, cos we are in blighty during the winter we don't get hit by these days, so this is much cheaper for us.
Recently our meter went up the spout and had toe be replaced by one called a "Linky". you've guessed it, it is the sort that is linked to the internet so both you and EDF can read it at any time, except the system is not fully up and running yet, so it can only read the old normal tariff. But the brill thing is that while it is like that, we get Blue days every single day of the year. cheaper than anyone. Win Win!
But, obvs if you read the meter instead of getting the 6 reads you need, you can only get the two for blue days.
I sent the reads for that and got the knockback. But reading between the lines the person on the end of the emails was telling me, "Give me the zero reads for the 4 others and I'll sort you out!" So I tried it and it worked!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whoopee! They will now be sending me a cheque! All for telling them what they already knew but weren't allowed to key into the computer!
Only in Frogichops land!

Still awake?
Dinner party tomoz.
Wifey prepping the soup.
Makes up and puts in a "bouquet garni" in a little muslin bag.
Liquidises it.

Forgot the bouquet garni!

Very upset!
We try to find it in the soup, even sieving it, no luck.
So I takes a look in the liquidiser.
There it is wrapped around the blades!!!
...................and relax!!!!!!!
So it has been a busy, tiring and eventful day. Got up at 8a.m. Felt well wobbly! Not seen that time for two months!
Sleep well folks, i intend to!:):):):):)
The white and red days are over the winter so if you are only there in the summer then okay system, I had it but the cost of the red days where a killer, so changed to simple day night tariff, if people live here all year unless you are happy to play the game of siting in the dark and not using anything electric on red days,
EDF are not easy to deal with but most of the people that I have come across that work for them are okay when you deal with them one to one
Just getting light and it's not raining. :)

It's just started absolutely teaming down here in the North Walian hills.
It wasn't forecast but funnily enough, I sensed it this afternoon when my Spidey senses started tingling haha. I put my outside chairs and things away, just as I had finished it started spitting. Then nothing until now lol ️

Hope your ok ;)

Oh, the eldest daughter passed her teacher degree with Honours.
She's now a teacher, she is thinking of doing masters.

Sorry i didn't buy your book but thanks for your advice
Morning All :D
Paper is collected, cat fed, coffee made and.... :D
It appears I am to "assist" in tanking the shower area at my son's place this weekend.:rolleyes:
Herself says I am also to give up my Sunday to help them un-box stuff and sort their kids rooms out :eek::eek::eek:
I don't remember either being unable to do this for myself at 36 or my parents being so involved in my life.:(
The mind boggles.
Morning All :D
Paper is collected, cat fed, coffee made and.... :D
It appears I am to "assist" in tanking the shower area at my son's place this weekend.:rolleyes:
Herself says I am also to give up my Sunday to help them un-box stuff and sort their kids rooms out :eek::eek::eek:
I don't remember either being unable to do this for myself at 36 or my parents being so involved in my life.:(
The mind boggles.
I think one of the reasons younger people can't seem to do anything for themselves is cos we, the parents keep doing it for them. My daughter is moving house at short notice this weekend cos her landlord has decided to sell. The only thing I have done to help is do a tip run to get rid of stuff she don't want to take with her. Of our seven children, she is the most independant and I am very proud of her.

I think one of the reasons younger people can't seem to do anything for themselves is cos we, the parents keep doing it for them. My daughter is moving house at short notice this weekend cos her landlord has decided to sell. The only thing I have done to help is do a tip run to get rid of stuff she don't want to take with her. Of our seven children, she is the most independant and I am very proud of her.

My eldest (39) has NEVER been a burden. He is the most frugal chap I know (saves c.50% of his earnings each month), rarely asks for anything and I have not seen him since around Jan this year to celebrate his birthday.
Its the 2 that live local that are constantly "in need of help" (according to them (and when I say NO!), their Mother). :rolleyes:
Its is a "NOW" generation thing. They want ALL the benefits of being an adult and in charge, but none of the responsibilities.
Happy Weekend you lot :)

Got a gas re-fill for my metal glue gun yesterday then went on a road trip had a picnic at
North Berwick beach some pics from yesterday I put some in the
what you doing now thread arnol. Everyone likes piccys.
Got a trailer load of greenery to go to the tip/dump/recycling centre/environmentally friendly
disposal site.
Couldnt get near the castle as its closed :(:(
Have a gud un zonners :)

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