Update from the "House of Doom"....
Floor almost finished.... except for in the downstairs bog (pan pulled a huge lump of the floor up when being lifted off the concrete floor to run the flooring under it). :(
So now there is no working toilet on-site :(
Kitchen being set out on the floor ready for fixing in.
Soon be shot of them ;)
Counting the days .... till they depart. LOL.
View attachment 216957
View attachment 216958
I daren't show all this to wifey as I works a damn sight slower than this. Mind our place is fiddly with all sorts of walls that aren't either plumb or at right angles where they should be. Like most places probs.
Not really. Old one (c. 1995) had a ladder-rack system at the back of the fridge and the shelves could be adjusted on the racks to your preference.
Most of the shelves also had runners that meant they could be pulled forwards for loading/unloading.
It also had bigger storage bins and adjustable door-pockets. Hey-Ho, price of "progress". ;)
Does have the plumbed-in ice-maker and chilled water dispenser like the old one though (key decision criteria) :D
I take it the dimensions weren't in the brochure or ont internet site? Or could you remove the box thingy and shove it in anyway?
So are you going to take the top cupboard out and shrink it/fit new one, or just leave it out?
Sympathy on a grand scale.
Mind you the less boxed in it is the chances are it'll be more efficient, unless it barfs out the warm air to the front.
Do know what you mean about the layout inside. We too have plastic boxes you cant get easily out as one door is up against a wall.:(
Certainly a change in the weather today. Although it isn't cold it is quite dull and miserable-looking and there has been a brief shower after a night of rumbling thunder and lightning.
Have a good day, folks.:)
We too had the third day of thunder and lightning and for once it actually rained.
Lovely and cool this morning! good thing as off to Castres for monthly big shop and lunch out! Yum!
After morning folks I slept in as we stayed up late :oops:
Im taking the day off another scorcher here no rain no thunder we got nowt. :(

Full fry up on the cards me thinks then il go an grease my props the disco rear one on the tratter is gubbed but ive got a nice new pair of wide angles on stand by.
Off to shop for breaky stuff. :D

Be safe everyone & have a nice day.

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