Gid moanin me fiends
Hit hare gerrin lite artsyde, ant dergs wonter wark
Stoo hurli fur dat, coz eye antad me cuppa chai yit!
Norra wurri, kekkle zon annit wunt blong ferrit terbrue
Avva nappi Sundi hand highopes jerz izorl gunner avva gudun, spesherli hiffyerz gunner git darn hand durti
hiff yerziz mek shure yer borls is greesed hand yer shaftser whell lubricateded
Is yer doin the cross member yerself?

No, I don't have the skills, or time, I'm afraid.
There's a really good independent who only does tratters that I go to.
Just got to save up for a while (keeping ahead of other bits that break or fall off ).
Move west my friend, move west! We haven't seen rain for a long time now and I am wilting in the heat. Mustn't complain or the rain might hear me and come back in torrents!:)

I always get rained on in Wales. :)
Was wondering where you had got to earlier.
How you doing?

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