@Marmaduke i liked it when I worked at
st ivel, i loved the shop.
All good dairy produce in bulk sizes at cheap prices.
I think I looked like a yogurt & trifle I spent so much time there.

I would watch the tankers arrive into milk intake & think they had an easy job ;)
Of course it all changed when the caustic tankers arrived for unloading then every one left me to it. :eek:
Wot was the caustic fer? Cleanin?
Years ago, cats had bells on, to help prevent this! Now it's catist, or offensive, or against their cat rights, or some other bollox
When's eye were little we adder cat and he had er bell ter reduce the number of birds he caught. Also a flee coller.
Yep it was a yoghurt/cream facility.
For cleaning pipes & dirty milk tankers outlets before unloading. They hum after a few farms
Aye toons mebbee? Yers ummit an isle pikkuppere der toon ;)
Wossorl demdare free hand fyfe litterer hack-row-nyms abaht hinna pre-virus poast? :eek:
@Marmaduke i liked it when I worked at
st ivel, i loved the shop.
All good dairy produce in bulk sizes at cheap prices.
I think I looked like a yogurt & trifle I spent so much time there.

I would watch the tankers arrive into milk intake & think they had an easy job ;)
Of course it all changed when the caustic tankers arrived for unloading then every one left me to it. :eek:
Don't tell anyone but as driving jobs go this must be one easiest and best, certainly for me:D
Three farms around Stafford, down to Aylesbury to tip, wash n wash then tootle back. No time constraints, no hassle and no one phoning to give me ****e:p
I told the boss I can't understand why he hasn't got a queue of drivers at the door:D

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