Spuds be eated and eye is restin. Eye bort meself er resperater fer resperatin. Eye also got me self er new ott hair gun. It be Bosch because eye likes buyin Bosch tools.

Eye bin weed sprayin wiv weed sprayin killer. Eye borted me burds er brush fer washin tup plates which eye used ter scrub me burd baff and it be gotted oft the green witch builds up all under the wata line. Eye put new wata int me baffs anorl .

No rain terday but ah did repeatidly put lotser meal wurms oot an me burds kept comin back ferrem.
Gid moaning fellerer Tratterers antippo
Tsons ashiniinof annitsa hate dig-reez artsyde.
Annitsa Sundi swits anoo weak termorrerer, swavva guddun ann ree-=membrer vat yers kahnt luv yer Tratter two muchly.
@Marmaduke i liked it when I worked at
st ivel, i loved the shop.
All good dairy produce in bulk sizes at cheap prices.
I think I looked like a yogurt & trifle I spent so much time there.

I would watch the tankers arrive into milk intake & think they had an easy job ;)
Of course it all changed when the caustic tankers arrived for unloading then every one left me to it. :eek:

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