Cider is like a venerated god in Brittany, and it's various distilled cousins. Calvados is okay but some of the home produced stuff, well your lucky if you just get away with blindness. I can't afford to drink and buy the many parts for the disco
Moral dilemma, got pack of double choc cookies to share with kids (not young kids both late teens just refuse to leave home, so not like stealing candy from babies) they are now chatting with mates and have not touched them. Should I go for the cookies or just look longingly at them?
Moral dilemma, got pack of double choc cookies to share with kids (not young kids both late teens just refuse to leave home, so not like stealing candy from babies) they are now chatting with mates and have not touched them. Should I go for the cookies or just look longingly at them?
Tricky one that.

If yer leave them they may forget about them and when they've gone yer'll get all of them. If yer go for one now they may notice. But at least yer can get one before they realise they're still there.
Not yet, one just came downstairs for a last smoke never noticed. Can't blame the better half if kids notice she's away in England for a few days . Still it could have been the dog, swear he's learnt to use scissors to open packets. Yeah that's believable. Need my strength for more disco brake bleeding tomorrow and chocs a good source of energy.
Not yet, one just came downstairs for a last smoke never noticed. Can't blame the better half if kids notice she's away in England for a few days . Still it could have been the dog, swear he's learnt to use scissors to open packets. Yeah that's believable. Need my strength for more disco brake bleeding tomorrow and chocs a good source of energy.
I thought you were int same room as them? If not then just take them all as yer thought they'd finished with them.
Well it's good night from me ,we're an hour ahead here. Keep you posted on the disco brakes tomorrow, might be searching a bit of technical know how.
Mornin on this ot ann sunny day.
Might go forrin terday an av un cidre poor me silver plate avec un parly mucky bucket!
Morning all, glad to hear the old français is still alive and kicking oldseadog! Today I will be mostly hoovering and trying to get some form of brakes on the old disco. Missus away in Blighty till Tuesday so suppose better clean up.

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