Yer should think of disco ownership as a challenge. The eggscitement of not knowing if yer'll get to yer destination adds to the fun factor. Does yours actually start?

Yep mine starts it's just the stopping and going bit that's a bit iffy. Clutch and break systems decided to disintegrate this time. Ow yeah nearly forgot front right wheel (they're nice alloys) decided it felt embarrassed about being seen with me so it tried to part company with the hub. That was a change the boxers immediately after moment, I can tell you. Therefore yep disco's are an exciting, on the edge in the moment ride, can you say the same about the freelander?
Yep mine starts it's just the stopping and going bit that's a bit iffy. Clutch and break systems decided to disintegrate this time. Ow yeah nearly forgot front right wheel (they're nice alloys) decided it felt embarrassed about being seen with me so it tried to part company with the hub. That was a change the boxers immediately after moment, I can tell you. Therefore yep disco's are an exciting, on the edge in the moment ride, can you say the same about the freelander?
We don't have the edge of yer seat driving eggscitement of not knowing if yer going to break down. Most of our freelanders are well behaved but there's always the odd occasion when one will play up. Our wheels don't fall oft which must make our driving feel lacking in entertainment.
We don't have the edge of yer seat driving eggscitement of not knowing if yer going to break down. Most of our freelanders are well behaved but there's always the odd occasion when one will play up. Our wheels don't fall oft which must make our driving feel lacking in entertainment.

At least you have the excitement of pulling over, and walking back in the rain to pick up doors and tailgates. :)
Yep that's why I drive a disco2 it's the thrill and excitement especially for the kid's when they were younger of riding in the breakdown truck.
Steady on I'll have you know that I still have 2sachets of happy pills left, and it only came with 1500000! And also possibly why I have a transit for work.
Don't worry. Yer probably not the only heavily medicated disco owner on ere.

Which reminds me... is marmaduck back from ollyday?
I tried to stay out of the sun all day. There was no cloud just clear blue sky. Looks like it's set to continue into the week anorl. :(

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