Glad them softy freelandererererers have gone, I have made myself a nice chair
Tis nice chair. Shame bout it not all being Stella actatwat cans. I only drinks "one wife, beat her"!!!!
See thing is Freelanderers don't need to drive around in conservatories or sit on chairs made of beer cans to look like men ;)
Kick him out of the section anorl :lol:
I did think of that too but being a Freelanderer I have to set a good eggsample. Pig swill to all men etc. So I will let it go this time. Plus I did get an apology by pm today but not allowed to say who from. ;) :rolleyes: :pound:
I did think of that too but being a Freelanderer I have to set a good eggsample. Pig swill to all men etc. So I will let it go this time. Plus I did get an apology by pm today but not allowed to say who from. ;) :rolleyes: :pound:

I call foul as it is a bank holiday weekend
I have a dream that one day the Land Rovering world will rise up and live out the true meaning of its faith: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all Land Rovers are created equal."

I have a dream that one day on the green hills of the countryside, the owners of Freelanders and the owners of other Land Rovers, will be able to drive together orf road in peace.

I have a dream that one day even the durdyist of tratterers, sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of their non air conditioned tratters, will be transformed into honest believers in the ability of Freelanders.

I have a dream that our little Freelanders will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by their misfortunes, but by the ability of their brilliance orf road.

I have a dream today!
Yeah well get over it cos that aint never gonna come true. In the many months that this thread has been running most Freelanders have depreciated in value to a point where you couldn't swap em for a bag of shopping
Yeah well get over it cos that aint never gonna come true. In the many months that this thread has been running most Freelanders have depreciated in value to a point where you couldn't swap em for a bag of shopping
Your so wrong you couldn't make it up. :doh:
I love my Freelander 1, I love my Defender 110, but they are like chalk and cheese... no comparison. When a 'quick' easy drive to the shops is required, a few potholes enroute,.. the Freelander, or a fast run down the motorway to my Sister's...the Freelander. A trip to London ... Suffolk ... Wales ... Or rush hour in any City, or a field...the Defender. Nothing else gets through, nothing else compares. I love them both.
I love my Freelander 1, I love my Defender 110, but they are like chalk and cheese... no comparison. When a 'quick' easy drive to the shops is required, a few potholes enroute,.. the Freelander, or a fast run down the motorway to my Sister's...the Freelander. A trip to London ... Suffolk ... Wales ... Or rush hour in any City, or a field...the Defender. Nothing else gets through, nothing else compares. I love them both.
Two good points there, how faff-less, quick and handy Freelanders are, and how good Defenders are in town - a lot of folk only think of off-roading when considering Defenders..

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